Chapter 29

Ian and Rory

It was finally Adalynn’s wedding day. I rolled over and found that Ian was still asleep. As I lay there and watched him, I couldn’t stop thinking about our baby. This should have been the happiest moment of my life, but it wasn’t. I should have been able to share the news with him, knowing that he’d be excited, but he wouldn’t be, so I couldn’t. I loved this man so much and I wanted him to be excited about our baby. Ian had grown so much as a boyfriend, lover, and best friend since I met him, and I honestly didn’t know what I would do without him. He opened his eyes and saw me staring at him.

“Good morning, sweetheart. Is something wrong?”

I wanted to tell him that everything was wrong, but I just smiled and said no.

“I was just watching you sleep. You looked so peaceful and sexy.”

He reached out his arms and pulled me on top of him. “Let’s have a good morning f**k.” He smiled. “You can tell that I’m already hard.”

“You’re always hard when you wake up.” I laughed.

“That’s because I spend the entire night dreaming that I’m f**king you.”

I giggled as he tickled me and when he rolled me on my back and hovered over me. “Yes?” he asked.

“Yes.” I smiled.


We ended up making love twice. I didn’t want to get out of bed and, apparently, neither did he because he called Charles and had him bring us up breakfast in bed. I started to feel nauseous and I ran to the bathroom.

“Rory, what’s wrong?”

“Nerves, Ian.”

“You’re throwing up because you’re nervous about the wedding?”

“Yes. I’m very nervous about it.”

I wiped my mouth and climbed back in bed. Ian was eating his omelet. I was trying so hard not to throw up again. He handed me a piece of toast.

“Here, maybe this will make you feel better.”

“Thanks, honey.” I smiled as I took it from his hand. I took tiny bites and managed to keep it down. I got up from the bed and threw on some yoga pants and a t-shirt. I had to meet Adalynn and the other girls at the hair salon for hair and makeup. I leaned over and when I went to kiss Ian goodbye, he pulled back.


“Did you brush your teeth?”

“Of course I brushed my teeth. You know what? You’re not getting a kiss. Goodbye, Ian.”

As I went to walk away, he grabbed my wrist and pulled me on the bed. “Get over here and kiss me.” He smiled as his mouth smashed into mine.

“I will see you later at the church.” I smiled.

“See you later, sweetheart.”


I stood next to Daniel at the altar. The church was filled with people: family, friends, and acquaintances.

“Are you nervous?” I asked him.

“Nah. I can’t wait to make Adalynn my wife.” He smiled.

The minister stepped onto the altar and asked Daniel if he was ready. He nodded and the music started to play. The first girl down the aisle was Rory. My God, did she look gorgeous. I felt myself getting hard just looking at her. Her hair was done in an elegant up-do with cascading curls. She smiled at me when she saw me looking at her. She took her place across from me and I winked at her. We watched as a couple of the other girls walked down the aisle and Adalynn followed behind. I looked at Daniel and he was beaming from ear to ear. Adalynn looked beautiful and so happy. I looked over at Rory as she watched her walk down the aisle. She didn’t look nervous anymore; she looked excited. Her eyes were full of light.

When the ceremony ended and we walked up the aisle, I kissed Rory’s cheek and told her how beautiful she looked.

“You look amazing and incredibly gorgeous.” I smiled.

“So do you in that tuxedo. In fact, I’m incredibly horny right now,” she whispered in my ear.

“Ugh, Rory, stop. Because I’m going to have to take you in the bathroom over there and f**k you right in this church.”

“Down boy.” She smiled.

After taking endless pictures in the courtyard, the bridal party gathered in the limo and we headed to the beach for more pictures before the reception started. When Rory and I were done being photographed, we climbed in the back of my limo and headed to the reception. I opened a bottle of champagne for us and poured some in a glass for Rory.


Ian handed me the glass of champagne and I didn’t know what to do. I had to think of something quick. He held up his glass to mine.

“To a beautiful day, a beautiful woman, and the love of my life.”

Oh God, what am I going to do, I thought to myself. I smiled as we clanked our glasses. He took a drink. I didn’t.

“What’s wrong? Why aren’t you drinking your champagne?” he asked.

Shit. I was going to have to dodge these questions all night. “I haven’t eaten anything. Remember, I wasn’t feeling well this morning? I don’t want to drink and take the chance of becoming tipsy before we even make it to the reception. Once we get there and I eat, then I’ll have a couple of drinks.” I smiled.

“I don’t like you not eating, Rory. It’s not healthy.”

“I’m not doing it on purpose. I just wasn’t feeling well this morning. You know, I was really nervous.”

“Can I kiss you?” he asked with a smile.

“Yes. Why are you asking?”

“Because I don’t want to mess up your pretty lips.”

“Oh, well in that case, you can kiss right here,” I said as I point to the side of my neck.

“Even better.” He smiled.

We arrived at the Beverly Hills Hotel, where the wedding reception was taking place. Our limo was amongst a line of limos at the curb. Ian climbed out first and then took my hand and helped me out. We walked arm in arm into the beautiful hotel and headed straight to the room where the reception was. The décor was beautiful. In fact, the entire room was stunning. This was where everyone’s wedding should be held.

“Wow. This is beautiful,” I said.

“Yeah. It is pretty nice.”

The way Ian said that was almost as if he was saying “Don’t get any ideas.” The wait staff was walking around with trays of appetizers. Ian grabbed a couple and handed them to me.

“Here, sweetheart, eat these. I’m going to go get us a couple of drinks.”

A few moments later, Ian came back with a glass of wine and handed it to me. I brought the glass to my lips and pretended to sip the wine. It went as far as my lips. Ian smiled and then we were interrupted by the announcer announcing that Adalynn and Daniel had arrived. Everyone clapped and cheered as they walked in. Adalynn walked over to me and took me by the arm.

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