“Excuse us, gentlemen, but I need to talk to Rory for a moment.” She smiled.

We stepped a few feet away so the guys couldn’t hear us.

“What are you doing with that drink?”

“Ian won’t stop pushing alcohol on me and I think he’s getting suspicious.”

“Just play along for now and when you get a chance, dump it somewhere. In fact, give me that glass.”

She drank more than half of it and handed it back to me. “There, now maybe he’ll stop.” She smiled.

We walked back to where they were engaging in conversation and Ian put his arm around me. Adalynn and Daniel went and greeted their guests while we took our place at the bridal table. After an amazing and delicious dinner, it was time for the dances to begin. First Adalynn and Daniel danced and then it was my and Ian’s turn.

“I love dancing with you,” he whispered in my ear.

“And I love dancing with you.” I smiled.

“Are you excited to go to Walla Walla?”

“Yes, I am. I can tell you’re excited too,” I replied.


“I sure am. I think it’s going to be an amazing business opportunity.”

“I bet it will be, honey,” I said.

The dance was over and I was feeling exhausted. I guess that’s what being pregnant does to you. A couple of hours later, Ian looked at his watch and asked me if I was ready to go. We kissed Adalynn and Daniel goodbye and headed to the airport. We were only going to be gone a couple of days because Ian had to get back to watch over Prim while Adalynn was on her honeymoon. We boarded the plane and I lay across Ian’s lap on the couch.

“What a beautiful wedding,” I said.

“I guess. If you get into that sort of thing.”

“What do you mean? It was perfect.”

“Yeah, it was nice, Rory,” he said as he played with a few strands of my hair. “Let’s not talk about the wedding anymore. You look really tired. Why don’t you try and get some sleep?”

I closed my eyes as he lightly rubbed my forehead. How was I going to tell him that we were going to have a baby? He didn’t want kids and he certainly didn’t want anything to do with marriage.


Our plane finally landed at the Walla Walla Regional Airport. I grabbed our bags and we climbed into the car that was waiting to take us to the hotel. Once we arrived, I set our bags down and we climbed into the king-sized bed to get some sleep before touring Nocking Point Wines in a few hours.

The buzzing alarm had Rory in an uproar.

“Ian, turn that damn thing off!” she exclaimed as she put the pillow over her head.

I reached over and shut it off and then turned back to Rory, who still had the pillow covering her.

“Sweetheart, why are you yelling?”

“Because I’m tired and that alarm was annoying me! Why do we have to set an alarm? Why can’t we just wake up when we want to?”

“Because people are expecting us. They’re waiting for us.”

She threw the pillow at me and got out of bed. “Well, you’re stupid for scheduling this right after Adalynn’s wedding. I’m tired.”

I looked at her and shook my head. I didn’t know where this was coming from. Rory never acted like this. “Sweetheart, calm down.”

“I’m sorry, Ian. I’m just tired,” she said as she stared out the window.

“You’ve been really tired lately. I hate to say this, but I think you may be depressed. I mean with everything that has happened over the past couple of months, it’s understandable. Maybe you should schedule an appointment with Dr. Neil when we get back.”

She walked over to the bed, climbed in, and snuggled against me. “Yeah, maybe I will.”

I kissed her head and told her to go back to sleep while I showered and got dressed. She didn’t have any problem with it as she rolled over and instantly fell asleep.

Chapter 30


Ian kept handing me little cups of wine to try on our tour. I would take it and, when he wasn’t looking, I’d pour it on the ground.

“What did you think of that one, sweetheart?”

“It was great!” I smiled.

“Really¸ Rory? Because it was very bitter. You didn’t taste it, did you? In fact, have you tasted any of the wine I gave you?”

Shit…shit…shit…What was I going to do? I couldn’t lie to him; he’d know. He was already suspicious.

“No, Ian. I didn’t taste it,” I replied as I walked away. There was nothing but orchards and open fields.

“Why not? You’ve been acting really strange the past few days. At first, I thought it was the wedding. But the wedding’s over and you’re acting crazier than ever. What the f**k is going on with you, Rory?” he yelled.

“Nothing is going on with me. I just don’t want any wine. Is that okay? Is it a sin not to want any? Jesus Christ, Ian, get off my back.”

“Don’t talk to me like that,” he said as he lightly took hold of my arm. Whatever you’re hiding, you better tell me right now.”

“You want me to tell you right here? In front of people? Okay, Ian. I’m pregnant!” I exclaimed as I threw my hands up in the air. He stood there and stared at me. His eyes went dead. “That’s right, you’re going to be a father. We’re having a baby.”

The blank look on his face scared me. “We’ll talk about this later,” he said as he turned away from me.

Why did I feel like this was the end of my life? I knew his reaction wasn’t going to be good, and I hadn’t even experienced his full reaction yet. A few moments later, he walked over to me and told me that we were leaving. I got into the car and he took off like a maniac. He wasn’t saying a word to me about it, so I guessed he was going to wait until we got back to the hotel room. I was already a nervous wreck as it was and it intensified when we pulled into the hotel. Ian threw the car in park and got out. He just went right into the hotel. He didn’t open the door for me or even wait. Asshole. He was kind enough to hold the elevator doors open until I got in.

“Gee, thanks. You should’ve just gone up without me.”

He shot me a dirty look. He inserted the key card into the door and walked inside. As soon as the door shut, he put his hands on his h*ps and turned around and looked at me.

“How the f**k did this happen?” he instantly yelled.

“Gee, Ian. I wonder. When two people have sex—”

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