“Hi, honey,” I answered, all cheery.

“Hi, sweetheart. How’s your day going?”

“It’s great. Adalynn and I are just about to grab some lunch.”

“Good. Are you feeling okay?”

“Yeah, I’m feeling great,” I lied.

“Okay, I’m on my way to a meeting, sweetheart. I love you.”

“I love you too.”

I hung up and looked at Adalynn and started crying again. She put her arm around me and asked me if I was okay to drive to her house. I nodded my head and we got into our cars and I followed her home. I was a nervous wreck. What if the test comes back positive? What was I going to do? Ian hated kids. I couldn’t live with someone who would hate his kids. Panic started to settle in again.


I took in a deep breath as I peed on the stick. Adalynn was in the bathroom with me and watched the window as I laid the stick on the counter. I closed my eyes because I didn’t want to know. I didn’t want to hear it. I was already sick to my stomach as it was.

“Oh, Rory,” Adalynn said.


I knew by the sound of her voice that it was positive. I opened one eye and peeked. Yep, sure enough, there was the plus sign as plain as f**king day. I started to sob as I closed the lid on the toilet and sat down. Daniel knocked on the door and asked if everything was okay.

“Rory’s pregnant,” Adalynn yelled.

“OMG!” I cried even harder.

“Why is she crying?” Daniel asked as he opened the door.

“Because of Ian. She’s scared of him.”

“I am not scared of him. I’m scared of what this baby will do to our relationship.”

Daniel put his arm around me and helped me up. “Come on, Rory. Let’s go to the living room. I think Ian will be happy. It might take some time, but he’ll adjust.”

“No, he won’t. He doesn’t want kids.”

I finally calmed down and sat at the table while Adalynn and Daniel ate Chinese food. I couldn’t eat. Every time I thought about it, I got sick to my stomach. My phone beeped with a text message from Ian.

“Are you on your way home? I’m surprised you’re not home yet.”

“I’m on my way now. I’m sorry.”

“There’s no need to apologize, sweetheart. I’ll see you soon. Be careful driving.”

I hugged Adalynn and Daniel goodbye. “When are you telling him?” Adalynn asked.

“Not until after the wedding. I’m not having your wedding ruined.”

“Don’t think like that, darling. He’ll be happy. He loves you.”

“Keep giving him that praise,” I said as I walked out the door.

How was I going to hide this from him for the next few days? I needed to call the doctor first thing tomorrow morning.

Chapter 28


Rory walked through the door and it looked like she’d been crying. I couldn’t imagine what had happened and, instantly, I grew worried.

“Sweetheart, what’s wrong? You’ve been crying,” I said as I wiped her eyes.

“I was on the way home and I heard a song that reminded me of Stephen, that’s all.”

I pulled her into an embrace and rubbed her back softly. “I’m sorry. I know it’s still hard.”

“Thank you,” she said as she pulled back and gave me a kiss. “How was your day?”

“I saw my dad.”

“What? Where?” she asked.

“Come on; I’ll pour us a glass of wine and we’ll talk about it.”

“Umm, no. I don’t want any.”

“Why?” I asked. “You love wine.”

“My stomach has been upset since lunch.”

“Oh. Something you ate?”

“Yeah. I think so.” She smiled.

“Okay, then, I’ll just have some. Anyway, he stopped by the office. When I saw him, I thought about our talk and the things you said. I told him that I didn’t hate him, but I was still angry for what he did. I said it was going to take some time, and I know he doesn’t have a lot of it, but just to be patient with me. As for my mom, she wants to have dinner with us. Just the three of us.”

“Are you okay with that?” she asked.

“To be honest with you, I don’t know. I guess we’ll never know unless we try it, right?”

She gave me a small smile and agreed.

“I got Connor’s property for his art gallery today. He was thrilled when I told him the news.”

“That’s wonderful, Ian.”

“It’s a multi-million dollar deal, sweetheart. Oh, I forgot to tell you. After Daniel and Adalynn’s wedding, we’re taking my dad’s plane and were flying to Walla Walla.”

“Walla what?” she asked.

“Walla Walla, Washington, sweetheart.”

“Oh. Why? What’s there?”

“There’s a company called Nocking Point Wines. As you can tell by the name, they make wine. They’re just starting out and I’m thinking about becoming an investor. From what I’ve heard and seen, they’re going to do very well and I want to be a part of that. Plus, I know how much you love wine. Maybe we can get a bottle named after you.” I winked at her. “It’s about a four-and a-half-hour flight from here, so we’ll get a hotel room and get some sleep before we take the tour.”

“Okay,” she said.

“That’s it? Okay? We’re talking fine wine here, sweetheart. You should be excited!”

“I am excited! I’m just a little tired. Had a long day and then with the crying and everything.”

I cupped her face in my hands. “You know what I was thinking?” I smiled.


“I was thinking about taking a month off from work after Adalynn gets back from her honeymoon and taking you on a trip. We could visit a couple of different places. Just me and you, alone for an entire month.”

“That sounds great. I would love that,” she said.

“Consider it done, then. I want you to pick out where you want to go. I’m doing this all for you, sweetheart. I love you.”

“I love you too, Ian,” she said as she hugged me.

Rory went upstairs to take a bath. Something was off with her. She seemed really sad and upset. I thought that taking her on a month-long trip was what we both needed to get away from the bullshit we’d had to deal with lately. First Stephen’s death, her dad, and now my parents. It was all too much to deal with at once. I was really looking forward to spending time with her alone. Just the two of us and no one else.

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