"Here you go sweetheart," Ken said with a smile, handing Mandy a small cup of one of her favorite treats-lemon water ice.

"Ooh, it's even got little pieces of lemon in it, awesome!" she

enthused, taking a spoonful into her mouth. They were sitting on a greenpainted

wooden bench, facing the ocean.

"You know, I really could have splurged on a large, Madeline Rose,"

he remarked, giving her a playful nudge. Then, just as she was about to

speak, added, "Oh, I know, I know. We have to watch our calories!" He

was teasing of course, but Maddy took slight offense.

"Hey, just 'cause you don't understand what it was like to be the

'chubby girl' in school, don't make fun of me! I wish I didn't have to be


so careful, but I was never one of those naturally thin girls like Carmen

who can eat whatever she wants and not even have to exercise. It's just

the way it is."

As she spoke, her eyes followed the graceful trail of a seagull as it

rode the evening air currents. Ken lodged his plastic spoon back into his

slushy cherry flavored concoction, and then turned her shoulders so she

was looking squarely at him.

"Madeline," he addressed her in a serious, but gentle voice. "Listen to

me, please. You are absolutely beautiful. There is nothing you need to

change about yourself, ok? You want to be healthy, fine. You want to stay

in shape, that's great with me. You're already there, sweetheart. But how

can I get you to understand how incredible you are, when all you can see

are flaws?"

His eyes were sincere as they gazed into hers. Maddy comprehended

his words, appreciated them even, and yet still couldn't quite grasp the

truth of what he was saying.

"Y-you really feel that way, don't you?" she finally said, softly.

"Yes, I do." Although he was frustrated on the inside, he never

wavered for a moment as he spoke. "Look, Maddy, I don't know

everything that last guy said or did to make you feel this way, but I am

telling you he was an idiot. I just wish I could make you see what I see

whenever I look at you."

"I think you just did," she finally answered after a short period of


"Good," he declared, kissing her on the cheek. Then in his teasing

style, added, "Now finish your water ice, young lady!"

Maddy cracked up as they watched the waves rush to shore.

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