* * *

"Well, here we are again," Ken announced as he ushered her through

the front door of the townhouse. They'd just returned after a nice stroll

on the boards; it was still a safe assumption that Monica, Maria and Louis

were happily playing the slots, or even heading to yet another casino hotel

in search of "hot" machines. Ken knew that Kathy was working the

blackjack tables tonight, giving them some time to themselves. He offered

her a seat on the couch while he excused himself for a minute to head

upstairs. She'd promised that Jitterbug lesson on his back porch on the

way over to his place, and he wanted to take a minute to clean himself up.


While he brushed his teeth and put on a new shirt, Maddy inspected

herself in the downstairs powder room. Pulling a naturally bristled

hairbrush out of her purse, she smoothed out some wind-blown tangles,

powdered her nose and applied some lip gloss. As she stared at her

reflection in the mirror, Ken's words came rushing back to her. You're

beautiful. And as she adjusted the scalloped elastic sleeves of her black, offthe

shoulder blouse and smoothed her slightly wrinkled black linen pants,

she tried her best to believe them. When a final tug of her silver chain belt

revealed it was securely in place, she walked back out into the living room,

where he was already waiting for her.

The sight of him standing there in a pumpkin-colored, button-down

shirt and black jeans, wearing his ever-present smile, caused her breath to

catch in her throat. No matter how many times she saw him freshly put

together and ready to devote his full attention to her, it always sent the

same otherworldly shivers down her spine. And as Maddy moved towards

him to take his hand, Ken felt the bolt of electricity with which he'd

become accustomed ever since that night on the Key Largo patio.

Without uttering a sound, he pulled her close to him and into another

delectable kiss.

And as their lips and hands explored each other, all thoughts of

college educations, taunting co-workers and overprotective family

members drifted away with the tide, along with the reluctant

acknowledgement of Monday morning's impending arrival, which would

herald the inevitable return to their respective sides of the river. In spite

of himself, he wanted nothing more than to scoop her up in his arms and

carry her upstairs, where he would make passionate love to her until

sunrise. Alas, for now, he contented himself with the softness of her skin,

the curve of her back and the sweetness of her mouth.

After what seemed like an eternity, they paused, with Ken's strong

arms still holding her close. "You know, you did promise me something

else," he whispered.

"What was that?" she asked, temporarily forgetting their phone

conversation earlier in the day.

"You said you would sing for me," he reminded her. As a slow smile

crossed her face, Maddy affirmed, "Yes, I suppose I did."

"Well?" he pressed her.

"You want me to do it right here?"

"Sweetheart, do you have a better place in mind? You did say you

wanted privacy."

"So I did," she recalled. "Ok, do you have a special request?"

"Not really, other than a slow, beautiful ballad."

"You're sure Kathy's not coming back?"

"Very sure."

"Ok, then. I really love Vanessa Williams' new song, so I guess I'll go

with that. One request, though."

"What's that?"

"Can we slow dance while I sing?"

"That's one of the easiest requests I've ever had the pleasure of

honoring," he said softly, as he began to sway slowly with her in the

dimly-lit room. Maddy cleared her throat, and then delivered her best


Everything he'd heard about her talents proved true as he savored

every note of her soulful serenade and felt the electrifying currents course

through his body. For a second he wondered if he'd conjured her up in

his mind-his ideal match, his perfect woman, a phenomenon much too

good to actually be real. And as his hands rested around her waist, he

wished this moment never had to end.

When she finished, he enfolded her in a big bear hug and affirmed

not just her impressive vocal abilities, but his enduring love and burning

desire for her, although he couched the latter in terms that clearly

reflected his understanding that such desires would not be satisfied

tonight. An emotional Maddy gazed up at him, thrilled to awaken his

passions, yet simultaneously concerned about how often interludes like

this could really take place.

It was becoming quite obvious to her that Ken's normal manly

longings weren't the only issue; with every consecutive minute spent in his

embrace, her own body was beginning to want more than just tender

kisses and anatomically safe caresses. Why didn't anyone ever bother to address

the female's raging hormones in any of the morality lessons of her youth? Why did it

always seem like such an easy task to wait?

"I'm sorry," was all she could whisper back.

"Nothing to apologize for, baby," he assured her. "I'm just standing

here picturing you walking down the aisle in your beautiful white gown.

God, what a vision you would be."

She was stunned into silence as she tried to absorb everything she'd

just heard; it was all so overwhelming. Maddy buried her head in his chest

and held him closer, silently wishing the persistent inner demons back to

their rightful place in some deep, dark abyss, where they'd no longer wield

any power over her.

"Hey," he whispered into her hair. "Will you come with me upstairs?

I promise you, it's just to hold you near me, that's all. I love you too much

to do anything to scare you away. Please?"

"Yes." Her voice was barely audible, though her heart was pounding

furiously as Ken easily lifted her off the ground and carried her to his


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