* * *

"Ok, Louis, you have to hold both of your arms up as we go around,"

Ken teased as the trio settled into their seat on the Ferris wheel. The

young ride operator locked the bar into place before pulling a lever and

setting them off on their skyward journey.

"I hope we don't get stuck at the top," Louis giggled.

"We better not!" Maddy chimed in as the cool breeze blew through

her hair. Odds were actually in her favor, given the lack of patrons; it was

such a dramatic departure from the teeming crowds of summer. And as

they rotated around nonstop for about the fifth time, it appeared that any


fears about such an outcome were definitely unwarranted.

And each time they went around, Maddy felt the same rush of

excitement as she gazed down at the blackness of the ocean, contrasted

with the lights of the boardwalk. Of course, those sensations were

magnified by the exquisite feel of Ken's protective arm around her.

Watching him laugh along with her special brother brought an

indescribable joy to her heart. While it was certainly true that Louis had an

uncanny ability to bring out the best in people, Maddy couldn't help but

believe that he was simply tapping in to an existing source of goodness

that dwelt within Ken's handsome exterior package.

"That was fun!" Louis declared as they stepped off of the ride.

"Yes, it was," Ken agreed handily, before the three of them began

walking towards 9th Street, where they would meet up with Monica and


"Wow, I thought he was never gonna let us off!" Maddy laughed. "I

love Ferris wheels, but even I was getting a little nervous."

"Did you hear that, Louis? Your sister was scared!" Ken's tone was

playful as Louis joined in the good-natured teasing.

"Poor Mads!" he said, patting her on the shoulder.

"Fine, go ahead and make fun of me, see if I care," Maddy

commented, feigning indignation. With that, Ken encircled her from

behind in his arms, and kissed her on the head.

"You know I'm just teasing, baby," he whispered. "I'm so crazy about

you, I can't help myself."

And though her body felt electrified, all Maddy could do was place

her hands on top of his as they made their way down the boardwalk.

* * *

"Did you guys have fun?" Monica asked.

"Oh, yes!" Louis affirmed. "Ken and I even played some games in the


"And he beat me at all of them," Ken reported with a chuckle.

"C'mon Ken!" Louis admonished, swatting his hand in the air in his

inimitable style. It was a gesture he always used when vehemently

disagreeing with someone.

"Whadd'ya mean, come on Ken? You beat me fair and square!" Ken

was truly amused and impressed by Louis. The group shared a good laugh

before Mom and Aunt Maria announced their plans to sneak off to

Atlantic City for an hour or so. The night was still young.

"Oh, good, I get to do some gambling!" Louis squealed, rubbing his

hands together.

"Well, win some money this time, Louie!" Maddy teased.

"You have your key, right?" Mom asked her.

"Yep, sure do," Maddy replied.

"Ok, well you guys have a good time. "Ken, thank you for dinner.

That wasn't necessary."

"It was my pleasure, Mrs. Rose. It's the very least I could do for the

privilege of spending time with your beautiful daughter."

Maddy's heart fluttered upon hearing his words, which were not lost

on her Aunt Maria or for that matter her mother, who for the moment at

least, forgot all about his lack of a formal college education.

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