* * *

"Morning, ladies!" Maddy called brightly, jumping on the queen-sized

bed to snuggle in between her aunt and her mother. She'd awakened as

soon as the sun had peeked through the vertical blinds of her bedroom.

When she'd heard the two of them talking and laughing about their casino

adventures the night before, she couldn't help but join them. Besides, she

knew they were probably dying with curiosity, wanting to know all about

her date with Ken. She'd give them just enough information to make

them happy; but the way he made her feel when he looked at her, the raw

passion yet exquisite gentleness of his kiss, the feel of his big, strong arms


around her-those were private matters reserved for the deep confines of

her heart.

"There she is!" Aunt Maria laughed in her inimitable, melodious style.

"Hey, Mad, that guy is so adorable! How was your date?"

"Wonderful!" she replied, giving each of them a peck on the cheek.

"Did you notice the first thing Kenny said to you was how beautiful

you looked?" Mom asked. "He's nothing like that ass, Jake. You don't

know-when I would overhear some of the things he'd say to you, I had

to bite my tongue. I wanted to tell him so badly to go look in a mirror; it

was obvious you weren't dating him for his looks!"

"Ma-calm down. That's over," Maddy reminded her. "And you're

absolutely right; this guy is nothing like Jake. I had no idea how

gentlemanly and sweet a guy could be. In fact, it almost made me

uncomfortable at times."

"He does look at you adoringly," her mother noted, with a smile.

"When you came down those stairs, I thought his eyes would pop out of

his head. And the way he stood up right away; very respectful."

"Guess it's all that good Navy training," Maddy offered. She thought

of their unstoppable kiss by the window overlooking the ocean and how

his hands ran through her hair. Her heart skipped a beat.

"Well, you just enjoy it Mad, because you deserve it," Aunt Maria

said. "I'll tell you, I could've gone for him myself, he looked so handsome

in that teal suit!" She gave them one of her trademark snorts, a sure sign

of approval, as all three of them cracked up.

"So what did you guys have to eat?" Aunt Maria asked.

"Oh, Maria, is that all you worry about?" Mom scolded, with equal

parts scorn and playfulness.

"I just want to know, that's all! I hear that Frisanco's place is really

good. Carmella and Frank go there all the time when they're here in the

summer." She was referring to a "snowbird" couple they'd grown up with

in Germantown, who now divided their time between Pompano Beach,

Florida and Margate, New Jersey.

"Yes, Joe wants to go there sometime," Mom concurred. "Maybe

some weekend when he doesn't have surgery, you and Earl can come

down with us and we'll all have dinner there."

The sudden ringing of the phone halted any further social plans as

Mom leaned over to the nightstand to answer. Maddy listened to her greet

the caller in the formal tone she always used when trying to hide her

excitement. She and Aunt Maria exchanged knowing glances.

"It's for you," Mom whispered, cupping the receiver with her hand as

she turned to look at Maddy. "It's Kenny!"

Aunt Maria stifled a giggle as Maddy took the phone, while Mom

abruptly got out of bed. "C'mon, Maria, let's go make some coffee," she

ordered her sister. Once they'd closed the bedroom door safely behind

them, Maddy answered the call.

"Hello?" She tried to exude a sort of calm enthusiasm.

"Hiya, sweetheart!" Ken greeted her in his deep, sexy voice. "I just

had to call and thank you for a wonderful evening last night."

"Aw, Kenny, I should be thanking you. I had such a nice time." She

couldn't shake the image of him smiling at her from across the table.

"Where are you?" she asked. "I hear a lot of noise in the background."

"Oh, I'm at the power plant, had to work a morning shift today," he

explained. "But I just wanted to call and tell you what a great time I had-

and to ask if I could see you later. You're not driving back tonight, are


"Uh, no," she responded, "I can drive back in the morning, drop off

Mom and Aunt Maria, and then head to work. Actually, I can just do

some sales calls first, and then go into the office later on."

"Great! Can I pick you up at five?"


After she hung up the phone, Maddy let out a happy squeal before

flinging herself back on the bed. Then with a sudden panicked thought,

she abruptly jumped up and ran into her room, in search of the perfect


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