* * *

Ken counted the hours until he could see her again. Time seemed to

drag on, and it didn't help that things were slow at the plant today.

Making matters worse, his buddy Quentin-normally one of his biggest

supporters-kept riding him about Madeline, and how a girl like that

would never stay for long with a blue-collar guy like him.

"You don't know anything about her!" Ken had snapped back


"Oh, I know all I need to," Quentin brusquely retorted. "Doctor's

daughter, big house in the Philly suburbs, vacation home at the Jersey


Shore-she may like you now, man, but she's way out of your league. I

mean, really, what do you have to offer her? Do you think she really wants

to end up with a working-class Joe doing graveyard shifts at Atlantic

Electric? Get real!"

"Hey Quentin, this place? It's only a starting point, man. I'm just

biding my time and saving my money until I can finish my education and

make something of myself. Maddy knows that. And when she sees my

townhouse and hears more about my plans for the future, she'll know I'm

serious. She already gets that I'm not just another Jersey shore beach bum,

slicing up pizza pies on the boardwalk like my brothers, going nowhere

fast. You didn't see her face last night, the way she looked at me. I know

she feels the way I do-"

Unmoved, Quentin rebuffed him, "Sure man, you'll be good for one

thing, but she'll tire of that eventually!"

An enraged Ken grabbed his friend by the collar. "Don't you ever

speak like that about her again! Madeline is a real lady, not one of your

cheap Somers Point bimbos! But you wouldn't know what a real lady is

now, would you?"

A stocky, slightly overweight man a few inches shorter than Ken,

Quentin didn't take too kindly to that last statement. His ruddy face took

on a deeper shade of scarlet as he threw a punch in Kenny's direction,

which he easily deflected. Twisting Quentin's arm around his back, Ken

pinned him against the wall.

"This conversation is over," he informed him before storming off.

Noticing the crowd that had gathered in anticipation of a knock-down,

drag-out brawl, Ken informed them in a loud voice that the show was

finished. "Mind your own business and get back to work!" he ordered


Rubbing his arm, Quentin called after him, "You know I'm right,

man! One day you're gonna find out!"

* * *

"Kenny!" Maddy couldn't hide her excitement when she opened the

front door and saw him standing there with a big bouquet of flowers in

one hand and a box of chocolates in the other. Dressed in a pair of khaki

pants and a white buttoned-down shirt, he was the image of the

quintessential clean-cut boy of summer. His ever-present smile radiated

warmth and sincerity. And as he pulled her into a tight hug, mindful of

the presents he was still holding, he realized there was nowhere else in the

world he wanted to be at that precise moment.

"Hiya, sweetheart!" his words were muffled as he kissed her hair.

"It's so good to see you!" she said, releasing herself long enough to

take the flowers and lead him into the foyer. "These are so beautiful,

thank you!" She brought the assortment of white orchids, red roses and

delicate babies' breath to her nose, breathing in their sweet fragrance.

"Uh, where are the ladies?" he asked, hoping they might actually be

alone, respect for her family notwithstanding.

Pulling out a glass vase and setting it on the kitchen counter, Maddy

informed him they were still at the beach. But before she could even cut

the flowers out of the plastic, she felt his arms slip around her waist and

his hot breath in her ear.

"You mean, we're alone?" he whispered sexily, placing a soft kiss on

her neck as he gathered her long hair to one side. She was wearing her

favorite black knit halter top, studded with gold and multi-colored

gemstones, and a pair of dressy black shorts. Around her waist, she wore a

matching gold belt, with a pretty rhinestone buckle.

"Afraid so, sailor," she softly confirmed, turning to face him, as he

drew her into another delectable kiss. Maddy wished it could go on

forever as she felt his hands caress her bare upper back, then move to her

waist and back up again. All of the day's stress melted away for Ken, as

thoughts of his earlier confrontation with Quentin and his own nagging

insecurities were obliterated by the satin feel of her skin, the warmth of

her body against his and the rush of emotion that electrified his entire

being at the mere sight of her.

When their lips finally parted, Maddy placed her head against his

chest and held him close.

"God, you feel so good, Kenny," she sighed.

"So do you, baby," he whispered. "I never want to let you go."

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