* * *

A bare-chested Kenny stumbled into his most cherished possession

after his townhouse and car-his waterbed-after filling Kathy in briefly

about his date. Though he'd hoped to avoid it, he'd literally bumped into

her as he came through the front door, on her way to go work the

blackjack tables.

"Don't you look nice!" she'd complimented him. "Did yiz have a

good time tonight?" Kathy's South Philly accent often became even more

pronounced whenever she felt real excitement over something. Though

she'd never had children of her own, she regarded Kenny as a surrogate


son, ever since their days together at the Taj. And after all of the

heartache she'd watched him endure her fondest wish was for him to find

the right girl-preferably a nice Italian girl, not that sleazy Roseanne chick

or that neurotic little princess, Liz Anne. He'd pined away for her all those

years in the Navy, and for what? To return home and find her engaged to

his best friend? It was such a disgrace.

Ken truly appreciated her genuine interest and concern, although at

times he found it suffocating. That was one reason why he'd tried to

conceal his budding romance with Maddy; he didn't want to invite any

unsolicited advice or worse, disapproval if for some reason Kathy didn't

like Maddy. And while it was difficult to fathom anyone disliking that

sweet little lady, it was way too early to risk anything.

"Yes, we had a great time, Kath," Ken had responded, unable to

suppress a telltale grin.

"Aw, I'm so glad sweetheart!" she replied gleefully, squeezing his

cheeks. "You deserve a nice girl! Would love to chat more about it but

I'm already late for work as it is. You just make sure she treats you right!"

Kathy called out as she ran down the driveway.

* * *

Ken stretched out his six-foot, two-inch frame as he gazed up at the

skylight. Thoughts of Madeline filtered through his mind, awakening his

senses and tugging at his heart. Her big brown eyes earnestly looking into

his as she asked what it was like to be on an aircraft carrier; the way he felt

so at ease about sharing his dreams for the future with her; the cute habit

she had of crinkling her nose when she wasn't sure if he was pulling her

leg or telling the truth; and the bolt of energy that shot through his body

whenever he touched her face, held her in his arms or gently explored her

soft mouth with his tongue.

He rolled over on his side and looked at the clock. Ugh. His shift

started in less than six hours. No problem, he'd just use the phone at

work to give Maddy a call. With any luck it would be a slow day and he

could listen to her sweet voice until it at last he was free to see her again.

She had mentioned that she could stay in Ocean City until Monday

morning when he'd asked her about it the week before.

Unsure of his work obligations, he hadn't been able to make definite

plans then. Hell, it took an act of God and two very long, back-to-back

shifts just to take her to dinner last night. But she had been so very much

worth the effort. And as he fell into a blissful sleep, something told him

the best was yet to come.

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