Maddy quietly slipped up the stairs after retrieving a bottle of water from the fridge. She lingered at the top for a moment, peering at

the double doors of the master bedroom directly to her left, listening

closely for the sounds of deep slumber. Although it was dark, the muted

glow of a seashell nightlight in the hallway revealed two covered figures

fast asleep in bed. She smiled silently to herself as she noted the glaring

differences between her slender mother and her obviously much larger

Aunt Maria, who often jokingly described herself as "pleasantly plump."

But though there were physical contrasts between the two sisters,

each shared common traits of generosity, gregariousness, unselfishness

and-oh yes-an almost irrational love and over protectiveness when it


came to their children. As Maddy gingerly closed the door and entered

into her own bedroom, she nearly laughed out loud imagining Mom

staying awake just long enough to hear Ken's car pull up, followed by

Maddy's key turning in the lock. Ah, well! It was a wonderful feeling to be so

loved and cared for.

She pulled her dress over her head and patted her tummy, hoping that

this evening's indulgence in pasta wouldn't set her back a pound or two.

Thank goodness, Kenny had been willing to walk on the boardwalk; not

only had it been romantic, it might have helped her burn a few calories.

Maddy laughed at the memory of the rolling chair guy, and how he'd

stormed away angrily when neither one of them accepted his offer.

Opening a drawer, she pulled out her favorite Victoria's Secret pajama

set-pink shorts with a matching tank top-one of many presents she'd

received for her birthday. That was one great thing about being born in

March; it meant getting lots of nice spring and summer clothes. Funny she

and Ken had come into the world on the exact same day and year, on

opposite sides of the Delaware River. Did that mean anything significant

or was she just reading too much into a delightful coincidence?

As she patted her face dry and applied moisturizer in front of the

bathroom mirror, Maddy paused as images of her handsome new suitor

flooded her mental gallery-his dazzling smile, the incredible feel of his

muscular physique as she tried to encircle him with her arms, the way he

would gaze at her longingly, then laugh with slight embarrassment when

she caught him doing it-it was all such a refreshing departure, a welcome

surprise, possibly even a gift from above.

And yet, he scared her in many ways, too. Here he was a former Navy

sailor who'd undoubtedly encountered many exotic women in ports all

around the world. Would he really have the patience to date someone like her?

Maddy hugged her pillow as she settled into bed. And what to make of

all these strange sensations? Things had gotten very heated at times during her

relationship with Jake, for sure, and on one occasion they'd even gone a

bit farther than was comfortable for either one of them. But still, Jake had

never elicited the overwhelming desires Maddy now found herself

grappling with.

Right from the moment she saw him, dangling that silly rose in front

of Carmen, she could tell he was different. And his kiss-wow! It was the

kind of thing she'd believed only existed in Harlequin Romance novels.

Was her life really about to change dramatically? Whatever changes were

on the horizon, she fervently hoped they involved Ken Lockheart as she

closed her eyes and finally drifted off to sleep.

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