My advice: I think that you should leave that good for nothing husband of yours and slap the shit out of your mother. Of all the persons he had to go down on. A divorce should be in effect immediately. I mean, would you really want to sleep with him again after he went down on your mom. I know I wouldn't. Allie.

Another was from a single mom who was dating a potenial ball player, who saw her as a whore for the many partners she's been with.

Truth: Never tell a man about your past lovers or relationships since that can cause a feud between you and your current spouse. If he doesn't respect the choices you made, you'll come to terms that he's just not right for you and save your self the heart break later on. Guys like these are first class jerks and with a career like his, he probably wouldn't have bothered to stick around anyway.

My advice: Join the club sweet heart. Almost every woman out there had their fair share of men and I admittedly are one of them. He calls you names in the bedroom, deal with it as a plus factor. Name calling sex are best, close to hate. Was he himself a saint in his past life? What he's doing is calling names and pointing fingers, comparing you with the other women he has dated. Leave his sorry ass. Allie.

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