I smiled in agreement and met his lips only halfway before his tongue skillfully entered my mouth with my hands in his hair. I pulled him back on top of me but he reluctantly backed away with a playful glare.

"I just had you against the wall, kitchen counter and bed. You're insatiable." His grey eyes followed the trail my index finger made from my belly button to my vagina in a trance but halted my seduction with a shake of his head. "I'll call tomorrow." He turned on his heel and left, leaving me pouting like a four year old.

Well, I guess the vibrator will have to do.

After a well needed shower, I sat in front the computer with a mug of coffee prepared to get some work done. My Ask Allie column in the Daily Reviews was quite popular for the wrong reasons.

For starters, I wasn't quite honest with my readers only telling them what they wanted to hear instead of the truth.

Secondly, all cheaters both writers and culprits would get an earful from me no matter the situation which was unfair and judgemental. My fan mails were probably filled with 'I hate you's from the relationships I might have destroyed unintentionally in my opinion.

The first one was one was a woman whose husband had an affair with her mother. The truth: Let the situation carry out itself in a mature manner. Hear both parties point of view and seek professional counseling if nesssary. Decide from there where you want to take the relationship, a divorce, separation or maybe a second chance.

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