“Good,” I replied instantly. Oliver deserved a family—deserved a mother.

She seemed surprised by my response, and her smile relaxed. What Logan and I had was strong, and she wasn’t a threat to it. I wouldn’t let her be.

“Fabulous. Well, if it’s not too much to ask, I’d like to have lunch sometime. I know it may be awkward, but—”

The clang of Jax’s fork hitting his plate drew our attention his way. With a loud scoff, he threw up his hands. “Only Logan would have the ex bitch and new pussy sitting at a table together without slaps being thrown. Lucky son of a bitch.” He muttered the last part.

“Anyway, you were saying?” I looked back to Natasha, disgusted at his reference to me.

“I just want you to know that I don’t expect us to become fast friends, but I’d really like to try. I’ve made so many mistakes with this family, and I’m here now to right those. I’m sure you have put together some nasty conclusions about me, but I’m asking for you to give me a chance to show you that I’m here as a mother—nothing more.”

I nodded, wanting desperately to believe her, but it didn’t matter. Whether it was a game or not, I’d play along…for now.

“I care about Oliver, and because of him, I’d like to get to know you better.” It was true—the best way I could make sure she was really there for him was to find out more about her. “This week is no good, but next week maybe. I’ll let you know a day then.”

“Sounds good.”

“Un-fucking-believable,” Jax spit out, slamming his glass down on the table and standing with his empty plate.

Oliver was right: Jax could eat a lot—and fast.


Natasha and I shared a smile. “I don’t want any issues or unnecessary drama, Natasha. Getting to know each other better is for the best, I agree, but let me make myself clear on one thing: I won’t ever let you hurt my boys again.”

She appeared taken aback, but altered her expression quickly to cover it. “I’m glad they have someone that cares for them.”

“More than you know,” I replied easily, holding her stare.

She looked away first, standing as I turned my focus back to finishing my meal. The sooner I was back in bed, the better.

“Well, I need to go find some boxes and start packing. I’ll look forward to hearing from you,” Natasha said as she crossed the room.

“Please, for the love of God, tell me that means you’re moving out of the guest house,” Jax said, halting his steps out of the room.

“If I’m going to prove to your brother that I am here for Oliver and done pursuing him, it’s what I need to do.” She looked at me. “I found a place a block away from that bar you all hang out at, Haven. Paid the first six months and can move in today.”

Jax’s easy grin was back in place. “Still doesn’t make up for the lack of catfight this morning.” He chuckled and continued out of the room, calling back, “Time to throw a party! The bitch is moving out!”

The annoyance Natasha was feeling was written all over her face as she called back to him. “Party away, little boy! It’s one of the few things you’re any good at!”

Unable to avoid the tension between them, I finished the last two bites of my breakfast and stood with my plate. After walking it to the sink, I said, “Well, congratulations on the apartment. I’m going to lie down for a while,” and headed toward the doorway.

“Thanks, and I’m sorry to hear what happened yesterday. It’s not my place, but there was a lot of gossip I couldn’t help overhearing last night when I got back in town. I’m sure Logan will take care of that quickly enough, though. Like you said, he loves you, and I know better than anyone how strong that man loves.”

My fists clenched at my sides. And things had been going so smoothly. Jax might want to come back in, because a catfight sounds just about right.

I ground my teeth, then muttered, “I’ll see you around.” I was making a beeline toward the door when I heard her call my name.

“Cassandra—one more thing. Could you not tell Logan about me moving? I want to wait till I’m settled in at the new place so I can show him myself.”

I looked back, a tight smile firmly in place. “I’ll try to remember.” I doubted that was going to happen.

When I reached the top of the stairs, Jax was there with an impish grin.

“She’s a bitch, right?” he said, laughing.

The front door slammed downstairs, and I released an aggravated breath.

“I’ll take your word for it. I’m going to bed. Thanks again for breakfast.”

He followed beside me as I started toward Logan’s bedroom. “Sure, no problem. So how long you staying again?”

“A few more days.”

He snorted, unconvinced. “I guess it doesn’t matter. Logan will have you here permanently soon enough.” He shook his head and ran a hand through his unruly dark locks. “Christ, I never thought Logan would end up pussy-whipped. I owe Lawrence a grand, damn it.”

“He’s not.” I rolled my eyes, not bothering to defend that statement.

“Sorry, I can’t help it.” His shoulders rose, his expression feigning innocence. “It’s just so easy to get a rise out of you. You get all flustered, and it’s fucking cute as hell.”

“Cute?” My brows shot up.

There was that wicked grin of his again. “Relax, you’re not my type.”

I stopped outside Logan’s door and puffed out a short laugh. “Is that so?”

“It sure is. I’m not into blondes, although the whole schoolteacher thing is pretty hot.”

Time to change the subject—fast.

“So, what were you up to in your room earlier?”

His brow creased. “What? When?”

“When I came down, you had that frat boy with you. He was saying how stellar it was?” I reminded him.

“Right, yeah, that was uh…just, you know, hanging out.”

“Okay.” No, I didn’t know. Why the hell was he being so weird?

“We were just chilling out. Video games and guy shit.”

“You don’t strike me as the gamer type.”

A slight smirk curved his lips. The resemblance to Logan was striking. “And what type of guy do I strike you as?”

“The type that thinks a bit too much of himself.”

He cocked one brow as he rocked back on his heels. “Well, you’re right. I’m not much of a gamer, but I have plenty of other activities to keep me occupied, as you may recall.” His eyes brightened. Ah, of course. How could I forget catching him with the redhead?

“Aren’t you proud?” I drawled out as I opened the door to Logan’s room and stepped inside. “And Jax? Refer to me as a vagina again, and you’ll find out Logan isn’t the only one to be afraid of.”

And with that, I shut the door and left him in the hall. I shook my head to myself, grinning. I never thought I’d actually be there, ready to climb into Logan West’s bed to sleep. Yeah, it wasn’t a thought I’d had before, but now, it was paradise.

The giant bed in the center of the room beckoned me, and I wasn’t stopping until I was back under those blankets, saturated in Logan’s scent.

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