He set the empty pitcher on the counter and smiled over at me. “Not yet, but no worries. He probably found himself some stray bitch to hook up with out in the forest. I bet he’s having a hell of a time with some freedom.”

“Right,” I mumbled, shuffling my feet. Despite how crudely he’d put it, I hoped that was the case.

Jax interrupted my silent pleas.

“So I got the rundown this morning—you know, all the things I can and cannot say to you if you break free of his sex den.”

“Gross! And I’m only here a few days. I’m sure you can control yourself that long.”

“No promises, baby, but I’ll try my best.” He threw me a salacious wink.

“Thanks…I guess.”

“Don’t thank me, thank my big brother. His threats were extreme this morning. Shit! You must have some magic in those panties of yours, huh?” He grinned. “Good for you.”

Maybe I wasn’t that hungry. Logan was right: Sleep was what I needed.

“Hey, don’t go. I didn’t mean to offend you, I swear. It was a compliment.”

“Relax. I won’t rat you out to Logan,” I called back as I left the kitchen.


“No, seriously, come back. Have you had any breakfast? I make some killer omelets, no joke!”

I stopped and inhaled deeply. I was going to regret this.

“Okay, but they better be amazing.”

“You got it.” A satisfied grin curled his lips. “So, what you want?” He strolled back to the fridge and started pulling items out. “We got turkey, ham, a few kinds of cheese, every vegetable you could possibly want. Logan’s always pushing for the little man to eat the greens.”

“You decide. I’m not picky.”

“Obviously—you wound up with Logan.”

“Ha ha.”

“Kidding.” He held up his hands, chuckling. “So how are you doing? I mean, after yesterday...”

“I don’t really know, to be honest. It all feels like a bad dream.”

What was I saying? It just came out. He was way too easy to talk to. I blamed the charm that he exuded off him as easily as it did Logan. Oliver was going to have it easy when he grew up.

“I get that.” Jax pulled out a bowl and began cracking eggs into it. “You know, Logan’s crazy about you. He won’t let that ass fuck get away with what he did.”

I didn’t say anything. I just sat at the table watching him whisk the eggs, then take down a skillet from a rack hanging over the island.

I was afraid to ask what exactly Logan was capable of. Would Jax even know? The thought of Kurt getting roughed up in prison at that point didn’t sound so bad.

I recoiled. I’m a horrible person for thinking that. What was wrong with me?

“Can I help with anything?” I asked after a long pause.

“Nah, I got this. You just sit back and prepare your pretty mouth for what it’s about to devour.”


He chuckled. “You say that now, but one taste and you’ll be begging for more.” He cocked a brow while chopping a green pepper with a swift hand.

“Begging for what, exactly?” Natasha asked, startling me when she rounded the corner and stopped in the doorway.

Ugh, I knew I should’ve stayed in bed—the king-sized, comfy, Logan-scented bed. I twisted in my seat and pretended to be distracted by something out the window as I blew out a breath.

“Natasha.” Jax’s smile was all ice.

“Jax,” Natasha replied with a grin as she strode forward. “Would you mind losing the death ray, little boy? You know you love me.”

“Nope, really don’t,” he fired back before refocusing on breakfast, pouring some egg mixture into the searing skillet.

“Mmm, now I know what you two were talking about. Smells divine.” She turned to me, offering a smile I wished I could believe was genuine. “Jax here is almost as good in the kitchen as Logan. Not quite up to par, though.”

Jax’s back was to us as he sprinkled in the fillings, but he took her insult in stride and didn’t miss a beat. “So, how was your trip, Natasha? Hope you didn’t get too lonely up there in the mountains.” He peered back over his shoulder, a smirk on his lips. “I can assure you, Logan sure as hell wasn’t.”

Natasha held his gaze, unspoken threats flowing between them until his head snapped back to the pan and hers shot to me.

I held her gaze, not batting a lash. Bring it on.

The smile returned to her lips. “It was eye-opening, and turned out to be quite beneficial for me, actually.” She walked over and pulled out a chair beside me. “Jax has a way of annoying me like only a kid brother can, and it brings out the bitch in me at times. Sorry.”

I raised my shoulders. “Not my business.”

Her smile grew, and I mimicked it with my own. Both were fake and strained.

“Look, I think—” She sighed. “All right, I know you and I got off on the wrong foot. I’m sorry if I had anything to do with that.”

“Honestly, I don’t know you, so we haven’t really had a start,” I replied, trying to keep it light.

“Right, but I’m sure you know I came to Harmony with every intention of repairing my family.”

I remained silent. Yeah, I’m aware.

“I know you probably have questions: Why am I back now? What might I still want? And I’ve seen you and Logan obviously getting…close.” The words didn’t come out easily.

The predator in me needed her to understand ‘close’ didn’t accurately describe Logan and me. It was time to mark my territory. If that made me a bitch, so be it, but I didn’t trust her.

“He loves me,” I stated with easy confidence.

“He sure does,” Jax chimed in, setting a perfectly folded omelet in front of me. “Enjoy.”

“Well, I’m happy for Logan,” Natasha said after a brief pause, watching me slice through the dense, gooey mini feast. “He’s a good guy. You’re a lucky girl.”

“Yes, I am.”

Slowly, I pulled my gaze from hers down to my plate. That thing had everything in it, sending my stomach into a pleading fit. I took a small bite. Oh, good God, yes! After another bite, I could see that the West men had a lot more than charm and good looks on their side.

“Wow, Jax, it’s…” I had no words. “Wow,” I repeated.

“See? Tomorrow morning you’ll be begging for another.”

I smiled at him. “We’ll see.”

He sat on the other side of the table across from me, took a big bite of his equally perfect-looking omelet, then leaned back in his chair, watching Natasha and me.

Silence hung over us until he swallowed, waving his hand in the air. “Oh, go on. Don’t let me intrude,” he said before shoveling in another bite, clearly entertained.

Natasha rolled her eyes, and I couldn’t help but want to laugh. But that impulse disappeared with Natasha’s next words.

“I still want my family, Cassandra.”

I set my fork down and readied myself as she continued.

“It may be too late with Logan, but not Oliver. He’s my son, and even if Logan and I are not married or together as a couple, we’re still his mom and dad. That’s all I want. I love them both dearly, and I’m not giving up on a chance with my son.”

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