Chapter Six


The tingling sensation of warm, firm fingertips brushing across my ankle rattled me from my dream. It was a sweet one, too, in which my feet dangled from my treehouse, my body wrapped in the strong arms of the man I adored.

My breath caught and body stilled, paralyzed until I heard a sweet voice.

“My love.”

I released the breath but remained absolutely still. I’m safe. It was Logan’s voice, soft but clear.

I forced myself to remain on my stomach, where I always slept. I bathed in his touch, exposed and cherished under his tantalizing stare that I could feel upon me even without peeking.

His fingers continued deftly under the blanket from the end of the bed and up my leg on a devious adventure. They trailed over my ass, which was shielded in nothing but a string of lace. His palms pushed deep into my flesh, the pressure of his short nails awakening the skin as they dug in. It was an exhilarating albeit brief sensory delight before they traveled back down the other leg. I smiled into the pillow, feigning sleep.

The security of his touch was like a soothing balm taking control of my senses. A zing of electric current nipped the left side of my body, and I knew he was close. He was silent, and no longer touching me.

It was nearly impossible to remain still, but I was resolute. How far would he take his little exploration? He wouldn’t give up so easily. I knew better.

The tug of the blanket was slow, unwrapping me just to the waist, keeping my bottom half covered. I forced the giggle bubbling up to cease, sucking my lips in tightly so there was no signal I was awake. It felt good there, at his will. I didn’t want it to end.


“So lucky,” he murmured, slipping his hand under my shirt again and outlining the contours of my spine with his thumb.

Unable to resist the scent of him, I wore one of his shirts. I’d spent time lying in bed earlier seriously debating whether he’d mind if I snatched a couple before I returned home.

He stopped at my bra and slipped his fingers underneath, where he unhinged the clasp expertly. I lay there while his fingers stroked down and back up again. I wanted the shirt gone. His warm lips were pressed right above the fabric on my bare shoulder. There was no stopping the building shiver he produced. The bed dipped beside me with his weight, his other hand brushing down my ass as he lowered the blankets to my knees.

There was no denying the low growl deep in his throat. My smile was back, swirling with pure satisfaction. Who would’ve thought I could affect him as much as he did me?

He tucked the comforter snugly around my bare legs, keeping them warm but giving him access to the rest of me.

My caring, stealthy pervert.

The sun was setting through the sheer curtains, and I realized I’d slept most of the day away yet again. It wasn’t a bad thing; I could use it to my advantage—I’d have more energy to spend a night with Logan.

His hands stole my full attention again as they traveled back down over my ass and caressed teasing circles, massaging out the tension they found. Over and over again, he kneaded and soothed my stressed muscles. But he wasn’t taking it further, and I was in need of much more than just a good masseur.

With a soft yawn, my eyes still closed and face planted in my pillow, I arched my back and dug my upper chest down into the mattress. His hands left me.

No, no! Not what I was asking for. Teasing him back, I pushed my ass off the bed.

His chest rumbled, that irresistible growl of his keeping me blissfully distracted as his palms slapped down over both my ass cheeks, strong and demanding. The sound echoed off the walls surrounding us.

“You know what happens to a woman that teases her man, right sweetheart?”

“Mmm,” I moaned sleepily, enjoying him bathing my sting with his caressing touch. Oh, I hoped I knew.

When he gripped the hem of my panties, my breath shuddered. All too slowly, he dragged them down just under my ass, and then there was nothing. Where were his hands?

I wiggled my hips just the slightest bit; my silent plea for more. The anticipation was building, stirring my arousal.

“So damn beautiful.” His words vibrated across my skin, causing goose bumps to swell over my backside.

There he was—watching me again. To be fair, I’d have been doing the same thing if the tables were turned.

My enjoyment of his words amplified when his lips swept over my ass, followed by his teeth nibbling my flesh. Oh my…that was new. And I wasn’t complaining—not at all.

With each kiss and lap of his tongue gliding over my skin, my arousal grew, eliciting a strangled moan. I couldn’t take anymore, and my body must have sent out the signals because his hands moved down the cleft of my ass and found their way under me, sliding into my wetness.

I bucked against him with the first thrust. Again and again, his fingers worked over me. My body cowered to his actions. Another finger slipped inside while his thumb played skillfully with my pressure point until I was on my knees, panting his name and grinding against his hand.

“Logan,” I moaned, “don’t stop.”

My fingers curled desperately into the sheets. I wanted to cry out louder but silenced myself, aware we weren’t home alone.

“Never.” His other hand splayed over my hip, holding me in place while he seized full control of the pace. My shirt was halfway up my back and begging to be removed.

His warm breath sizzled on the back of my neck. He collected my hair in his fist and let it fall down over one side of my shoulder before returning to his grip on my hip. My desire swelled when he lifted my shirt further up my back and kissed between my shoulder blades.

I arched my back further and whimpered, unable to resist the feeling of his lips on such a sensitive area that had never experienced such treatment. I wanted more and he gave it, running his tongue up my back, sending a tremor through me. The scruff on his cheeks prickled against my tingling flesh until he reached the nape of my neck.

Thrusting harder, he held me closer, his other hand wrapped under my waist. His fingers never ceased as he added a third, filling me, stretching me. My mind was drunk with desire.

“All mine,” he murmured.

Yes, all his. Always his. The man knew exactly what I needed…exactly where to touch me….exactly how to clear the sludge from my head.

I was losing control. Fierce sparks of my impending orgasm wracked my limbs, and with another buck of my hips, I exploded around him. My arms gave out, and Logan followed me down as I sank into the mattress. As I inhaled a few times to catch my breath, his hand slid gradually from my body.

I winced at the separation, never wanting him apart from me. He must have felt it too, because suddenly I was being hauled up in his arms, where he held me against his hard body.

Ah, to be spooned by Logan. There was nothing better. When he traced the shell of my ear with his tongue, I nearly came undone a second time.

“Good evening, beautiful.” His breath tickled my neck.

As much as I loved being in his arms, I needed to see him. I rolled over to face him, weaving one of my legs between his.

His glistening eyes studied me.

“Hi,” was all I could manage before my lips crashed into his and I lost myself in the sensations still fluttering deep inside me.

I clung to the perfectly tailored suit he was still wearing. My head rested in the nook of his neck as I ran my fingers up and down the silkiness of his tie. Our kiss ended in a beautiful show of light nips.

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