“You don’t need me,” Christian said, trading out his camera for the remote shutter control. “You can do this all yourself. You’re a fucking god and everyone wants you.” Reggie’s hips thrust upward, grinding his cock into his fist. “Men want you. Women will lust for you.” The shutters kept clicking, and David watched Christian, surprised that he wasn’t accepting what was on offer.

Reggie leaned toward Christian, his face contorted into almost a sneer as he bellowed from deep in his chest, coming hard. Stomach and chest heaving, Reggie shot over his head and onto the backdrop before collapsing onto the floor mat in exhaustion, his hair askew, body limp, chest and stomach covered in trails of his own come. Reggie was total debauched decadence, and Christian was capturing it all in film without having laid a finger, or anything else, on the man.

David didn’t move, afraid to break the spell as Christian took his final pictures before setting the remote control aside. David got a cloth and towel, handing them to Reggie before leaving the studio. He had no idea why he felt so happy. Christian didn’t fuck all his models, although David figured that Christian would want Reggie in the worst way. He stayed out like he usually did, returning to the studio like usual to find Christian sitting on the floor with Reggie, who was once again wrapped in the robe. They were talking quietly, and David went to the desk to begin downloading the pictures. After talking a few minutes more, Christian stood up and offered Reggie a hand. Reggie went to change, and Christian entered the apartment.

David heard Reggie moving around and waited until he came out again. “Would you like something to drink?” David asked, and Reggie walked over to where he was working.

“That would be nice,” Reggie told him, and David opened the small refrigerator, handing Reggie a bottle of water.

“You looked great,” David said, and felt himself blushing a little. Reggie had been hot, really hot, and David smiled at him. To his surprise Reggie smiled back. “Is there anything else I can get for you before you go?”

“Your phone number would be perfect,” Reggie told him with a wink, and David blushed further. “I’d love to go out sometime, maybe dancing or just to have dinner.” Reggie smiled at him.

“You mean like a date?” David stammered. “Not a hookup?”

“Yes, like a date, and definitely not a hookup.” Reggie stepped closer, and David felt his hot hand caress his cheek. Then Reggie moved closer, tilting his head slightly before placing a light kiss on David’s lips. “You’re a real cutie, and I promise I’ll treat you right.” Reggie backed away, and after taking the scrap of paper that David had scrawled his phone number on, he shoved it into his pocket and stroked David’s cheek one more time before walking toward the studio door. As David followed him, he saw Christian standing in the apartment doorway scowling at him. Reggie waved goodbye, and David smiled and nodded before watching him leave.

“What was that all about?” Christian asked as he practically charged to the desk.

“He asked for my number, and we might go out,” David answered with a grin before turning to the computer monitor. “Not that it’s really your concern.” David added lightly.


“What about your boyfriend, Javier?” Christian asked with a scowl.

“Javier’s my roommate, not my boyfriend. He sometimes gets a little overprotective, but we’ve known each other since we were kids. Dating him would be like dating my brother.” David made an “ewww” face for emphasis and then went back to work. Christian stared at him for a few seconds. “Is there something you need?”

Christian opened his mouth and then closed it again. “No.” A few seconds later, the door to the apartment closed with a bang, and David jumped slightly. He wondered what had gotten into Christian. He nearly went in to ask, but figured since he’d just chastised Christian for being nosey, he couldn’t very well turn around and do the exact same thing. So he continued his work.

David pretended to run the errand he’d made up earlier to try to get away and then finished the rest of the day processing the photos and staring at one or two of Reggie that were off the hotness scale. There was power evident in the pictures, but also vulnerability, grace, and beauty. These were something else. He was tempted to make a copy of a few of them, but that wouldn’t be right, so he filed them all and got ready to leave for the day.

Knocking on the apartment door, he opened it and looked around. Christian sat in one of the chairs with what looked like a partial bottle of wine on the table next to him.

David stared at his boss, anger roiling inside him from out of nowhere. Without saying anything, David walked to the glass-fronted cupboard that faced the dining area. Opening it, he pulled out a bottle of gin and carried it to where Christian sat, obviously brooding over something. “If you’re going to get drunk again, at least drink this. It’ll be faster and you’ll get sicker. Just don’t miss in the bathroom, because I’m not cleaning it up.” David set the bottle down with a bang, and Christian’s head turned slightly, but he said nothing. “I’m leaving for the night. The pictures are mostly catalogued.” David turned and walked toward the door, hoping Christian would say something, anything. But all David heard was the sound of Christian’s glass as he set it on the table.

David closed the apartment door behind him, thankful to be away as his throat closed. It hurt him to see Christian spending his nights drinking. He’d been doing that more and more. David had lost track of the number of times he’d thrown away empty bottles and brought Christian aspirin first thing in the morning, and it looked like he’d be doing it again tomorrow. Walking toward the studio exit, David turned, looking at the apartment door once again. He badly wanted to go back in there and ask Christian what was wrong, why he’d been drinking so much lately. But he couldn’t. Christian was his boss, and how he behaved was none of his business. Leaving the studio, he began the walk home. David’s phone rang when he was a few blocks away. “Hello,” he said tentatively, expecting a telemarketer.

“David, this is Reggie.” A smile spread across David’s face. “I hope it’s not too soon to call, but I was wondering if you’d like to have dinner with me tomorrow night.” He could hear the nervousness in Reggie’s voice.

“That would be great,” David answered excitedly. “Where can I meet you?” They settled on a restaurant, and before David knew it he was walking up the steps to his building. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

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