Christian heard David return a bit later as he was finishing his preparations for the shoot. They ate together at the desk with David barely looking at him. “I need you here during the shoot,” Christian said as he took a bite of the salad David had brought for him. “Can you run the errands afterwards?” David simply nodded his answer and continued eating, but still wasn’t looking at him. “Did I do something to make you angry with me?” Christian had tried to discern the source of David’s petulance, thinking it might have been the fact that he’d gotten drunk.

“No,” David answered, and he glanced up at him. “I have a lot to do, but if you need me, I’ll be here.”

“That’s not what I asked you,” Christian pressed, setting down his fork. “You’ve been short with me all day.” Christian picked up his fork. “By the way, I know I didn’t thank you for taking care of the mess from my little bender last night, but I do appreciate it.”

“You’re welcome,” David replied with a bit of his usual energy, and they continued eating. When they were done, Christian threw away the remains, and they went back to looking at the rest of the photographs from the previous day’s session, now that they were organized in a logical flow. Things seemed easy again, or at least easier, with David, and Christian kept an eye on his assistant, wondering just what he’d done and what he could do to return them to the comfortable working relationship they’d enjoyed. That was something he missed, because he’d never had it with any of his other assistants. As they worked, David became more relaxed, and he even laughed a few times at some of the goofy shots Christian had gotten, but as soon as they heard a knock on the door announcing Christian’s appointment, the walls seemed to go right back up.

Chapter Three

David wasn’t about to say anything—he didn’t have a right and he knew it—but Javier had been correct. David was falling for his boss, and he had to put some distance between them because falling for Christian Coulliet was a recipe for heartbreak and disaster. But what hurt was that he was going to be forced to watch Christian with yet another model. Yesterday he’d been blissfully unaware of his feelings and he’d gone along on the ride with his boss, but Javier had opened his eyes, and he couldn’t look on that behavior the same way.

Answering the door, he greeted the medium-height, fairskinned man with a smile. “I’m Mr. Coulliet’s assistant, David,” he said, holding out his hand.

“Reggie Fontaine,” the blond replied, shaking David’s hand vigorously. “This is really exciting.”

“Excellent. Christian will be ready in a few minutes. He’s doing a last bit of setup. Do you know what’s expected?”

“Sure do. My agent explained the type of photos what will be taken and showed me some of Mr. Coulliet’s past work. I think I’m ready for anything.” Reggie seemed to burst with energy.

“Excellent,” Christian said coming up behind them, and David saw him look Reggie over. “Do you tan at all?”


Reggie laughed higher than David would have expected, but it was definitely genuine. “No. Ten minutes and I turn into a lobster. I once tried a tanning bed. Got so burned on my butt, I couldn’t sit for a week. I hope that’s not a problem.” Reggie asked seriously.

“Nope. I needed to make sure your skin tone was consistent.” Christian explained. “David is going to put you in some black leather and we’re going to use a black background. I want your light skin and hair to stand out as much as possible. Once we see how it works, we’ll play with the light, which should give us some great effects.” Christian was still smiling as he walked away. “You don’t mind starting out nude, do you?”

Reggie shrugged, and David motioned toward the screen. “Get undressed and you’ll find a robe. Once you’re done, I’ll help you with the leather if you need it.”

“Thanks,” Reggie said with his smile still in place. Once Reggie stepped behind the screen, David watched Christian. He could almost feel the energy and excitement in the room ramping up. When Reggie stepped out from behind the screen with his robe in place, David helped him get the leather arm bands and harness on before leading him to the set.

“Just relax and enjoy it,” Christian said soothingly and began to take pictures almost immediately. David knew these were disposable and only to get Reggie warmed up. “Remove your robe and hand it to David whenever you’re ready,” Christian told Reggie without putting down his camera. Reggie untied the robe and slipped it off his broad shoulders, tossing it lightly to David. Reggie was stunning from head to toe: glistening, smooth skin, shapely legs, a proportional chest, powerful eyes, and a cock that made David’s mouth water. “Give me power,” Christian instructed, and David moved back and away, watching the session with rapt attention as Reggie flexed his muscles, the leather tricep bands straining. “That’s it, show me who’s in charge,” Christian commended, and Reggie did. Naked or not, the man exuded power and a flowing grace like some mythological Nordic warrior god. Reggie’s eyes burned into Christian, their power and intensity striking. “Show me what you want,” Christian commanded, “reach out like you’re going to take it.” David stepped back as Reggie reached towards him, and Christian took picture after picture.

The shoot continued and Christian had Reggie strip off the harness and eventually the leather arm bands so it was just his body. They experimented with color in the form of fabric and pillows. As they worked, the sexual energy increased as well. Reggie’s cock went from flaccid to fully hard in the span of half an hour as he and Christian battled for metaphorical control.

Christian was sweating as the session began to wind down. Reggie rested on his back, on the floor mat, legs spread wide, cock hard. “Stroke yourself,” Christian told him, and Reggie complied, his hand sliding along his thick cock. “You’re the embodiment of sex,” Christian told him softly, almost intimately. “You’ll drive every person who sees these pictures wild. They’re all going to want you.” Reggie made small mewling noises before turning his head toward Christian, meeting his eyes. “Come down here and fuck me,” Reggie ordered Christian, reaching in his direction.

David closed his eyes and turned away. This was what he didn’t want to see. Now that he’d come to accept on some level how he felt about Christian, he couldn’t watch him be with someone else.

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