“I can’t wait,” Reggie said before disconnecting, and David entered his building, anxious to tell Javier about his date.

* * * * Reggie’s and David’s entrees arrived, and some of David’s nervousness finally slipped away. “Christian is an amazing photographer,” David said before taking a bite of his chicken piccata. “He can pull things out of the models that they never knew they had.”

“Tell me about it,” Reggie said with a smile on his face and a slight blush. “I had no idea I could be that forceful, but during that session, he had me believing I was some sort of fierce warrior. I actually felt it during the session.” Reggie sipped from his water glass. “And the things I said.” Reggie’s cheeks turned ever redder. “Although you have to admit, he does have a bit of a reputation.”

David nodded as he took another bite. “He’s so talented, he doesn’t need to do some of the things he does to get his pictures,” David commented. “Look what he was able to do with you and…” David let his thought trail off and he looked down at the table. “I’m sorry. I’ve monopolized the conversation, and all we’ve talked about is Christian.” David sighed softly as he lifted his gaze and saw Reggie’s amazing blue eyes looking back at him.

“I understand. He’s a huge personality, and working with him must be exciting,” Reggie said before extending his hand, taking David’s in his. “You told me earlier that you were a photographer yourself.”

“I am. I do mostly outdoor subjects though.” David answered. “I love walking through the park snapping pictures of random faces. People are fascinating as they go through their everyday lives, and sometimes you capture that one shot, that one face that tells a complete story.” David sipped his water, nearly toppling the glass as he set it down in his excitement.

“Has he seen any of your work?” Reggie asked, and David shook his head. “Why not?”

“He’s never asked,” David answered. “Christian knows I’m a photographer too, because we talked about it during our interview, but he didn’t ask to see any then, and I doubt he’s remembered it.” He was fairly certain of that. Most of their conversations revolved around Christian or his work.

“Sometimes I wonder if he knows I exist as someone other than the guy who makes sure he can live his life and conduct his business,” David said with a touch of bitterness, and he saw Reggie’s eyes widen slightly. Thankfully, Reggie didn’t ask about it. “So did you always want to be a model?” David asked, changing the subject. “No,” Reggie answered between bites. “I wanted to be a fireman. My father was a firefighter here in New York. He was at the World Trade Center during nine-eleven. He carried a woman out of one of the towers and was about to go back in when the tower collapsed. He was injured pretty badly but survived. He died a few years later because of all the stuff he breathed in afterwards.” Reggie rubbed his eyes. “My mother begged me to go to college and do something else. But I was stubborn and determined to join the NYFD.”

“What happened?” David asked.

“I found out my lungs weren’t as strong as they should be. I had asthma as a kid, and I couldn’t pass that portion of the physical. Even though I’ve exercised for years, I don’t have the endurance they require.”


“So you became a model instead?” Davis asked with a smile, and Reggie shrugged.

“I sort of fell into it. I’ve done a few commercials and a lot of print work. I’m hoping to land a spot that will get me noticed, and I thought posing for Christian Coulliet might help with that.” Reggie ate a little more and then sat back.

His plate still had half the food on it but David figured models had to watch what they ate. “Now I’m not so sure if it will help or hurt.”

David grinned. “As sexy as those pictures were, I think you’ll be in demand.” David finished his dinner, and when the server asked about dessert they both declined. They talked for a while longer until the server brought the check, and Reggie snatched the bill, throwing David a look when he reached for it.

Reggie signed the slip, and they left the restaurant, walking slowly down the sidewalk together. “I had a really nice time tonight,” Reggie said. “You were great company and fun to talk with.”

“I had a good time too,” David agreed with a smile. “It’s been a while since I went out with anyone on a real date.” Reggie slid his hands in his pockets as he continued walking. “This city seems programmed for hookups. There are tons of bars and clubs you can go if you’re looking for sex and fun. But if you’re looking for more than that, it can be hard to find.” There was hopefulness in Reggie’s voice along with a touch of what David thought might be disappointment.

“Do you find that people want to get to know you or pay attention to you because of how you look?” David asked as they continued walking, occasionally shifting because of other people coming toward them. “I mean, you’re stunning with or without your clothes on,” David added sheepishly, and he heard Reggie laugh. “Do you ever get embarrassed taking your clothes off?”

Reggie’s laughter because more boisterous. “You certainly aren’t shy once you get warmed up. To answer your questions, I suppose that sometimes I get extra attention because of my looks. I never have to wait at a bar in a gay club, and I’ve had guys ask me out because of how I look, I know that. I try not to act like that, and get to know the person I’m with.” Reggie stopped walking. “And as you would expect, it took me quite a while to get used to taking my clothes off in front of a camera. But you get used to it, and I’m not ashamed of my body. I do draw the line at doing porn.” Reggie began walking slowly again. “Have you ever modeled?”

Now it was David’s turn to laugh. “Me? Are you kidding?

With a face like this, no one wants to take my picture.”

David turned away, and he felt Reggie’s lightly touch his shoulder.

“It’s what’s on the inside that counts. Remember how

you said that sometimes you find a face that tells an entire story in a look…” Reggie said, and David nodded. “You have one of those faces.”

“I do?” David asked, pausing slightly to see if Reggie was kidding. He wasn’t. “What story does it tell?” Reggie appeared to be deep in thought as they reached the steps of David’s building. “Do you want the truth?” Reggie inquired.

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