He stood to one side to allow Isobel to enter the room first, and she was relieved to note that this time the room was actually lit, albeit dimly, and she could see what was in it. Or maybe that should be what wasn’t, she thought, taking in the solitary piece of furniture against one wall. What looked to be a very large armoire stood there, its double doors as impressive as the ornate carvings that were detailed in the dark wood.

Looking around the room, she could see nothing else of any consequence and her eyes went back to the armoire. She eyed it curiously. What on earth would such an odd, huge piece of furniture be doing in here? And it really was huge, standing at almost seven feet tall in her estimation, and at least four feet deep.

She sensed Tyler come fully into the room behind her, and then heard the unmistakable click of the door being locked. She started to turn around, but his hands on her shoulders held her in place. His hands brushed her hair to one side and then she felt his breath on her neck a split second before he spoke softly into her ear.

“Things are going to be a little more intense today, Isobel.” She shivered and gulped, in that order, his words and proximity sending a frisson of awareness through her. “Do you think you can handle it?”

She had absolutely no idea if she could or not, but she wasn’t going to tell him that. She nodded her head resolutely and was rewarded by his hands squeezing her shoulders in approval. “Good girl.” His words made her blush, and she gave herself a stern talking to in her mind to, ‘not be such a damn kid and quit blushing!’

Tyler removed his hands from her, leaving Isobel feeling oddly chilly and he proceeded to walk towards the armoire, leaving her stood just inside the door to the room. She watched raptly as he opened the double doors, and then felt disappointed when she saw nothing inside. He turned to look at her, noting her little frown of confusion as she took in the seemingly empty space inside, and smiled as he beckoned her to him.

“Come here, Isobel, and remove your clothes please.”

She walked towards him, stopping just before she reached him and started to take her clothes off, looking at him almost defiantly as the garments fell to the floor one by one. Naked, she stood in front of him while his eyes blazed a trail up and down her body, leaving her skin feeling heated and tingling even though he hadn’t actually touched her.

He closed the distance between them, coming to a stop mere inches from her and reaching out a hand to tweak a nipple without any warning or build-up. Isobel hissed in a sharp breath, but other than that she didn’t utter a sound and kept her eyes locked on his.

“Ah, my little slut is learning something at least.” He cupped his hands over her breast and fondled the supple flesh before leaning his head down and gently sucking the pinched nipple in between his lips. His tongue lapped at the erect little bud, drawing a throb from between her legs that had her clenching her thighs tightly shut to try and stop it.

Standing back upright, Tyler smiled warmly at her and removed his hand from her breast. “Step into the armoire, Isobel.” He moved from in front of her and opened the doors fully, folding them back along the sides of the wardrobe so that there was nothing to hinder either her entering it, or him reaching in. “And once you’re in, please remain facing the back.”


Isobel walked slowly forwards, stepping up and into the armoire on bare feet. It was even larger than it had looked and could have easily held three or four people inside with her. She looked around curiously, but all she could see in the darkness were the wooden walls and floor.

“Please raise your hands above your head and put your palms together.” Tyler’s voice had changed to what she referred to in her mind as his ‘masterful’ one, the one that would not be disobeyed, or else. Very aware of that fact, Isobel did as he’d instructed and raised her hands up with her arms straight and her palms together, almost in a praying pose. She was amazed to find that even with her arms raised, there was still plenty of room above her.

Tyler stepped up inside so that his body was almost touching hers, and she couldn’t help but feel disappointed that he still had his clothes on. She felt his hand slide up her arm, and then something more alien touch her bare skin. Looking up, she saw that it was a length of rope; thick, but soft and not abrasive. Placing the end against her forearm, she watched with a feeling of anticipation as he wound the other end around her wrists, successfully binding her hands together.

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