He made a loop in the other end of the rope and then reached up above her to attach the loop to a hook in the ceiling of the armoire that she hadn’t noticed. Pulling the rope tight, her arms were stretched until there was no way she could move, but Isobel was relieved to realize that she wasn’t stretched so much that it was painful.

She felt Tyler step out of the cupboard and then heard the unmistakable sound of him removing his clothes. A few seconds later, he stepped back up to stand behind her. Isobel could feel the heat emanating from his naked body, and an answering warmth bloomed in hers.

His breath tickled her shoulder as he leaned in to talk to her softly again. “If we were at my home I would blindfold you at this point, but because of where we are and the fact that all you can see is the back of the inside of this armoire, I’m going to leave your eyes uncovered.” He walked around her almost suspended body until he was stood in front of her. “But, if I feel at any time that you need to have your eyes covered, I will do so. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Sir.” Isobel’s voice was almost a whisper. Her eyes had adjusted to the darkness, but she still could hardly make out anything except his vague outline. What on earth was he going to do to her?

She felt his fingers touch her collarbone gently, and held her breath as he started to trail them down her body. Reaching her breasts, he took his time and fondled the full orbs, pausing to tweak and pinch her nipples none too gently and making her gasp with pleasurable pain. His hand continued its journey until it reached the juncture of her legs, and she gasped for breath again, anticipation almost making her forget to breathe altogether.

Isobel shivered with longing, her hips pushing towards him of their own free will as she waited for him to touch her, but Tyler had other plans and carried on moving his hand down over the top of her thigh and around to her ass, slapping the firm, quivering flesh and making her jump. “I’ll touch you when I’m ready, and not when you try to force the contact.” His voice was stern, but it still sent shivers running down her spine.

Tyler brought his hand back around to the front of her and without preamble, slid a finger through the lips of her pussy, reaching for her slit and giving a little chuckle when he felt how damp she was. “You’re so wet already, you little slut.” His voice had an edge of lust to it that was unmistakable, and Isobel wasn’t sure if her clit pulsed in response to his touch or his words.

He moved back around her and stepped back out into the room, walking away and returning a couple of minutes later. “Spread your legs.” His command brooked no argument, and Isobel did as instructed without hesitation. She felt Tyler place something around her ankles and when he stepped back she found that she was unable to bring her legs together. Looking down she saw a bar attached to what looked like ankle cuffs preventing her legs from moving. “It’s called a spreader bar,” Tyler informed her. “And it does exactly what it says on the box; it spreads your legs and keeps them that way.”

Isobel gulped. She knew that every part of her body was now at Tyler’s disposal, and he could do whatever the hell he wanted to her. Of course, the fact that that thought turned her on beyond belief wasn’t lost on her, and she felt herself get even wetter at the prospect of whatever may come next.

She didn’t have long to wait to find out as something connected with her bottom a split second after she’d heard the sound of whatever it was whooshing through the air. The contact wasn’t painful in the slightest, but it was unexpected and she couldn’t control the small yelp of surprise that escaped her. She knew that he wasn’t using the paddle that he’d used yesterday; this was more intense and stung a lot more. And it was rigid, almost like a stick or a cane.

She felt the air part again as he swung, and a split second later the stick connected just under the curve of her ass cheek, making her gasp and yelp again. “The paddle yesterday was interesting, but I think you need something a little more severe.” He leaned closer to her before continuing. “I’m not going to use the whip on you just yet, but the crop comes a close second.”


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