And in a way it did. She supposed that the real question she should be asking herself was not whether she should go back to work for Tyler tomorrow, but rather, did she really want him to put his hands on her like that again? She had to be honest with herself; despite her concerns that he may be married because of the damn ring she’d found, the answer was a resounding, ‘Hell Yes!’

She’d worry about everything else as and when it arose, so to speak.

The following morning Isobel dressed with care, making sure that she had on clothes that she could easily and quickly remove and put back on. She left her hair down and flowing around her shoulders, remembering how Tyler had seemed to like it that way the day before when he had removed her hair pins. The minimum of make-up and a pair of high heels, and she was ready for whatever the day would bring.

She made her way to work, frustrated by the early morning traffic and was dismayed to arrive ten minutes late. She reached her desk without anyone commenting on her tardiness however, and she sat down and breathed a sigh of relief, turning on her computer to check for any emails.

“My office, please Ms. Cairns.” Isobel hadn’t heard his door open and almost jumped out of her seat when she heard his gruff voice from behind her. He hadn’t shouted, but she heard the sternness in his tone and knew that he was pissed off at her. Standing up, Isobel smoothed down her skirt and squared her shoulders, and taking a deep breath, she walked towards his office.

She tapped on his door and entered the room without waiting for a response. “You wanted to see me, Tyler?” She made sure to keep her voice calm and pasted a smile to her face, even though inside she was a bundle of nerves.

Tyler was sat at his desk reading something, and didn’t even bother to look at her or even acknowledge her presence. Isobel shifted nervously on her feet, not knowing whether to repeat her question or just wait quietly, so she just cleared her throat softly and stood there.

“You were late this morning.” He finally spoke, but still didn’t lift his head to look at her. “Why?”

“I’m so sorry, Tyler. I got caught up in unexpected traffic.” She was apologetic, but there really was nothing she could have done about it. Trust him to bloody notice anyway, she thought to herself.

He finally looked up from his desk, and his eyes pierced hers in a look that showed her just how annoyed he actually was. “You need to learn how to expect the unexpected so that you can plan accordingly, Isobel.”

“Yes, Sir.” Her voice might have been meek, but inside she was silently seething. How the hell was she supposed to expect the unexpected? Surely that would make it expected and not unexpected? She really wasn’t in the mood to say as such to him though, because she really didn’t want a lecture as he explained his comment to her. “I obviously don’t expect to get paid for the time I wasn’t here.”


“Well, seeing as how you’re salaried and not paid by the hour, it would be quite difficult to amend your wages accordingly.” His voice was now filled with sarcasm, and Isobel inwardly cringed at the stupidity of her previous comment. “However, you will need to pay back the time to the company.” Isobel nodded, seeing it only fair that she stay over an extra ten minutes to make up for the ten minutes lost this morning.

Tyler smiled at her in a way that could only be called predatory, and Isobel’s insides quivered. She wasn’t sure if it was nerves or lust, but there was a definite tremble going on inside her. “I don’t mean that you have to pay the time back by working late, Isobel.” His smile widened as Isobel’s face finally registered understanding exactly what he did mean. “Come with me, please.”

Isobel tried to hide the smile that had spread across her face as she followed him out of his office. She really did. But, judging from the way the other girls looked at her as they passed by, she knew that she’d failed dismally. Oh well, they could suck it up buttercup.


Chapter Seven


Isobel had assumed that Tyler was taking her back to the room they’d been in yesterday. The one where he’d spanked and flogged her so deliciously and then fucked her until her teeth rattled. But, as they walked past the door that opened onto it, she knew that she’d once again been mistaken. Instead, he walked further on down the corridor until they’d reached the final door on the right, pausing before opening it just long enough to look back at Isobel and nod his head as though he’d come to some kind of a decision about something known only to him.

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