She knew that she’d been taking a chance when she turned up at Tyler Morgan Inc. unannounced and unexpected. Tyler James, the CEO of the company, had been at the bar where she had worked a few nights prior, drowning his sorrows and unknowingly letting Isobel know how rich he was, what company he owned and how much a particular woman in his life was dragging him down.

As she’d walked Tyler to his car, he’d handed her his business card, and Isobel’s plan had started to hatch. The following morning, dressed in her best office attire, she had shown up at Tyler Morgan Inc. and waylaid him as he’d arrived, telling him that he had offered her a job as his personal assistant the night before.

Tyler had given her a list of seemingly impossible tasks to do, and had been surprised at the end of the day to find that she’d completed every one of them. But Isobel’s triumphant relief had been short-lived when he revealed that he’d known all along that she had lied about him offering her a job, and then had proceeded to ‘punish’ her for her deception by making love to her right there in his office.

And today, her second day there, she had been taken to a private room, bent over a desk and spanked, paddled and fucked to within an inch of her life once again by the gorgeously sexy Tyler James. She knew she should have protested and walked out as soon as his intentions became apparent, but she hadn’t; she’d stayed and loved almost every minute of it.

But, when he’d finished, Tyler had coldly left her in the room, leaving her to get dressed and walk back to his office feeling almost bereft and confused. Just before she’d left, Isobel decided to see if she could find a clue as to why he behaved the way he did, and when she rummaged through his office desk, she found what could only be described as a wedding band.

Isobel had assumed that he was talking about his business partner or someone else at work when he’d talked about the bitch he had to deal with, but after what she’d discovered, she really wasn’t sure any more.

He hadn’t come across like the typical married man she’d had to deal with in her job as a bartender, but she guessed that it took all sorts to make the world go round. Her dilemma now was whether she should continue working for him, and more to the point, if she should turn him down if he wanted sex again.

Isobel had a moral code that so far in life she’d stuck to; and she was proud of that fact. But, there was something about Tyler that touched her in ways that she’d never been touched before. He turned her on, he drove her crazy and he made her curious about so many things. She never would have thought that she would actually like a man doing to her what he’d done today. If any of her female friends had told her that they’d had it done to them, Isobel would have told them to run like the wind and never look back, because the guy was obviously an abusive freak.

But now she’d experienced it for herself, and knew without a shadow of a doubt that Tyler was not abusive, and he was most definitely not a freak. So where did she go from here?

Isobel turned onto her street and pulled up in her driveway, barely noticing that she had reached her destination. Turning the car off, she made her way into her house, dropping her purse on the kitchen counter and making straight for the bottle of vodka she kept in the cabinet above the sink. Isobel normally never drank alone, and certainly not when she had to be up for work the following morning. But, she really needed something stronger than coffee right now, and besides, she wasn’t even sure that she was going into work tomorrow.

She took the drink into her bedroom, placing it on her bedside cabinet while she stripped off her clothes. On her way into her bathroom, she caught sight of herself in the full-length mirror and paused in surprise. Was that really her? Her hair was disheveled, her face was flushed and her eyes had a sparkle that she hadn’t seen or felt in a long time.


She smiled at her reflection, and started to continue to the bathroom when a flash of pink caught her eye. She turned her head back to the mirror, and with her body at a sideways angle she could clearly see a deep pink imprint of a hand on her ass. Mesmerized, she stared at it intently, almost as though it alone held the answer to her predicament.

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