She texted back. Her final text mimicked what he’d once texted her:

I miss you, too. SO MUCH.

She began telling Toni about what Gio had said when another text came through and she stopped to read it.

Love you! Goodnight.

Toni laughed as Bianca quickly responded saying she loved him too. That made Bianca look away from the text and at her friend; just then realizing she was smiling hugely. “What?” She hit send feeling all fuzzy inside.

“Girl, I’ve never seen such a display of emotions like the one you just put on for me. In a matter of what? Five minutes? You went from mortified, to excited. Then giddy, then suddenly panicked and teary-eyed to giddy all over again.” She shook her head. “You weren’t kidding when you said this guy has you all tied up in knots.”

Now Bianca was a little embarrassed but she wouldn’t deny it. “I don’t know what it is, Toni.” She glanced out the window at the falling snow, remembering the first day he kissed her. “I’m beginning to wonder if maybe I should be a little worried about how addictive this feels. Just like what we did tonight, I feel like I’d do anything, take any risk.” She glanced back at Toni knowing she’d be looking at her disapprovingly like she had earlier that day when Bianca had said something similar. “Within reason, of course. I wouldn’t risk my life for him or anything like that.” She didn’t feel entirely sure about the sincerity of that last statement but she’d leave it at that.

“You may not believe this but you already have.” Toni started up the car. “That boy back there was furious. And he doesn’t even know the half of it. Things happen in the heat of passion all the time, Bianca. All I’m gonna say is I’m so glad you’re not going back.”

Bianca thought about that. Until tonight Felix had never even raised his voice at her and she admitted he had spooked her a little when she thought for a moment that he knew she’d just had sex with his friend out in the parking lot. She was thinking earlier when she decided she wouldn’t be going back to his cabin that she’d finally come clean with Nana and her mother about what was going on. Maybe now she’d keep it to herself and just tell them it didn’t work out.


Gio walked out of the bathroom fully dressed. The room was still dark. He’d set his alarm so he could get out of there early. Knowing Felix he’d be feeling like shit about what happened last night. His suspicions about Bianca had nothing to do with Gio—yet.


If Gio didn’t hurry to miss him this morning Felix would probably be all apologetic about his behavior last night. Although it hadn’t happened in a long time, this wouldn’t be the first time one of them got drunk and stupid and had to be held back or dragged out of a party or club. Whoever it was always felt stupid the next day. Gio wasn’t about to stick around and have Felix apologize to him.

Sure, Gio had swung at him and landed a good one but it was justified. All the other guys agreed. Although they all might’ve just given Felix a good shove in the chest to shut him up and maybe told him to have some respect. Felix’s anger and unreasonable fit of jealousy seemed to stem from him overdoing the shots and nothing more, so his calling Bianca a whore was seen as way out of line by everyone. That meant Gio’s infuriated punch didn’t raise any eyebrows, except Noah’s, of course.

He’d packed his bag the night before and wrote Felix a short note thanking him for everything and telling him he’d call to explain why he had to leave. That wasn’t something he wanted to cowardly write in a note or a text. Besides everyone was here to witness what would probably get very ugly. Most importantly, Gio had done enough damage. He didn’t want to embarrass Felix in front of all their friends. As angry and betrayed as he’d probably feel, his ego and pride would likely be taking a hit. Gio wanted to spare him any possible humiliation and do it in private.

Noah rushed in the room. “Hurry up, let’s get you out of here.”

“What?” Gio was surprised Noah was even up. Abel had agreed to get up early and take him home but Gio didn’t know anyone else was leaving so early. “You don’t have to leave so early, Noah. And why you rushing?”

“I’m not leaving but you’re dumb ass needs to get out of here now.” Noah grabbed Gio’s bags and started shoving Gio toward the door.

Gio tried taking the bags from him. “Give me those. I can carry them.”

Noah gave him one but kept the other. “Just hurry, will you?”

Not wanting to argue, Gio hurried out of the bedroom. A very concerned looking Roni was already in the kitchen as he walked by. “What’s going on?” he asked, glancing back at Noah.

“You f**ked up. That’s what,” Noah said, picking up his pace as they walked to the front door. Noah turned to him just as they walked out the front door, his voice lower now. “Really, dude? In a f**king van? On a night when he took us all out? ” Noah shook his head, hurrying down the stairs toward a very sleepy looking Abel, leaning against his car with the trunk open. “You couldn’t wait?”

Hector was already in the car. Jack would be driving back with Noah later. Both brothers seemed unaware of the news that Noah had obviously gotten so early in the morning.

“It’s all over the Internet, G,” Noah said as he slammed the suitcase in the trunk.

Gio lifted the other suitcase in as well. “I didn’t plan for that to happen.” But he wasn’t about to throw Bianca under the bus either. “It just happened.”

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