As they drove away in stunned silence, Bianca thought of Gio’s words. No regrets. She still didn’t have any—even after tonight’s disaster—but she did regret that she hadn’t decided to leave Felix’s place sooner. She wouldn’t be going back to his cabin. After tonight, she couldn’t. Not just because of the way he’d behaved or because it was plain wrong to continue to stay at his place while completely betraying him, but because tonight she’d seen firsthand how a guy she thought she knew, could turn into someone completely different when angry. Felix didn’t even know what was really going on. She cringed to think what might happen if he did.

“You think you’ll be able to go get my things from Felix’s place sometime this week?”

Toni turned to her and pulled off the road into a gas station. She stopped then turned off the engine. “Of course I will.” She smiled. “First let me just say, holy shit Gio and his friends are hot. But Gio’s eyes, my God! I can see why you’d be so tempted. But can you explain why you had my keys and…” Toni squeezed her eyes shut crinkling her nose. “Bianca, tell me you didn’t. I noticed you and Gio were gone for sometime and I figured you might be doing something sneaky but…” She turned to look at the back of the van and Bianca saw the flicker of horror in her eyes the moment Toni spotted it—the condom wrapper. “Oh my God, you did!”

Bianca covered her face with her hands. “I didn’t plan it. I swear.” She turned back to Toni and spoke rapidly, hoping she’d understand. “I mean, it’s insane, Toni. I don’t even know how to explain it but with Gio I just think differently. I do things I would’ve never done in a million years. I did hope to get a moment alone with him tonight, but the whole van idea didn’t come to me until Felix kissed me right in front of Gio and I saw that crazed look in Gio’s eye.

“I just kept thinking of how I would feel if it were the other way around. I probably would’ve been in tears and I’d seen the way he was looking at me earlier. I knew he was questioning my behavior with Felix.” She shook her head, glancing out at the falling snow. It reminded her that she’d left her coat at the resort. “Since all his friends were there tonight, I didn’t want to be so blatant about continually rejecting Felix’s putting his hands on me. So I was a little more accommodating with the holding hands and allowing his embraces and I was dead right, Gio did think something had changed.”

Her phone beeped in her hand making her flinch. It was a text from Gio. She glanced at Toni and couldn’t help but smile. “It’s him.” It amazed her that the world could be falling apart around her and just knowing she was about to read his words made everything better. She clicked on the envelope.

Where are you? Are you okay?

She texted back quickly, her insides warming at his obvious concern.

I’m fine. I’m with Toni. She’s taking me home. I’m not going back to Felix’s cabin anymore. I can’t.

She sent it and turned back to Toni. “So what now?” Toni asked.

“I don’t know. But after tonight I just can’t go back there.”


“You shouldn’t,” Toni agreed immediately. “But maybe you and Gio should cool it just a little until all this blows over. No telling what kind of stuff will be all over the TV and internet by tonight.”

Bianca thought about that, chewing the corner of her lip for a second. The thought of being separated from Gio, even for a short period, was one she didn’t want to entertain.

Her phone beeped again. His message made her gasp and she was instantly near tears.

I’m not either. Well I will tonight only because he’s already passed out and Noah and the guys are insisting I do, but I’m going back to LA first thing tomorrow morning. Hopefully before he even wakes.

Obviously noticing her sudden change in mood, Toni asked if something was wrong.

“Yes,” was all she managed to whisper as she rushed to text Gio back. She’d long ago decided she wouldn’t hold anything back. She always said what she wanted and asked what she needed with Gio and she wasn’t holding back now that it mattered most. So she sent her text, needy as it might sound.

Why? What about us? When will I see you again?

Bianca knew the answer to her first question. She’d just hoped maybe he stick around a little longer. She wasn’t ready for him to be gone so soon.

I promise you. There is more of an us now than ever before. But I can’t be there anymore. It was wrong from the moment I realized I was falling for you but it was worth the guilt to be around you. After tonight I just can’t justify it without feeling like a total dick even if you’re not there anymore.

The second she read it she began responding, feeling an enormous relief.

Okay but you didn’t answer my third question. When will I see you again?

His responses came as fast as hers did and she was eternally grateful for that because her heart was still at her throat. Even though he was promising everything would be okay between them she had no idea when she’d see him again—be in his arms—feel his lips on hers again.

Bianca was no longer embarrassed to admit she felt addicted to him. Forget the embarrassment, this scared her. She clicked on his text the moment it came through.

Soon. I promise. I miss you already. We just got to his cabin. I’ll call you tomorrow.

That calmed her a little and she glanced up realizing Toni had been watching her and waiting patiently. “I’m sorry, Toni. I didn’t mean to ignore you but he’s telling me he’s going back to LA tomorrow and it just freaked me out a little.”

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