“Leaving so early?”

Both Gio and Noah turned at the sound of Felix’s voice. He stood at the front door still in yesterday’s jeans and a t-shirt but wearing snow boots. Obviously, he planned to come all the way out and confront him. He held up his cell phone as he walked down the stairs “Or do you wanna stick around and explain to me about all these pictures everyone is sending me? My agent, my publicist, even my mother. Photos of you and my f**king girlfriend.

“Get in the car,” Noah said, coming around and standing in front of Gio.

“No,” Gio said, moving over and standing next to Noah.

Gio knew what Noah was thinking. Felix was the welterweight champion of the world for good reason. His fists were lethal. But last night he’d taken a punch from Gio and hadn’t swung back—didn’t because he knew he deserved it. Now Gio, too, would stand here and take like a man whatever he had coming to him.

“I’m sorry, Felix. You didn’t deserve this but—”

“Did you f**k her in my house, too, ass**le?” Felix spat the words loudly as he stalked toward Gio.

“No. I never touched her in your house. I swear. And I didn’t f**k her, okay. I love her.”

Gio saw it coming but, unlike in the ring, he didn’t attempt to dodge or even block it. Felix landed a solid hook right on Gio’s eye knocking Gio on his ass. Abel and Noah were immediately on Felix and Hector jumped out of the car. “What the hell?”

Gio’s hand was on his eye, shaking his head to rid him of the stars he was now seeing. Ever grateful for his friends or Felix might’ve beat the shit out of him and Gio would’ve let him. Doing what he had with Bianca, wrong as it may’ve been, was totally worth the well-deserved ass kicking.

He grabbed a handful of snow and brought it to his already swelling eye. Felix sure as hell could pack a punch. Gio would probably be sporting a shiner for at least a week, maybe longer. Of course Felix’s fat lip would probably be around for just as long. Gio was surprised he hadn’t knocked a tooth out with as much force as he’d hit him last night.


“You’re f**ked up, Gio!” Felix yelled, still being held back by Abel and Noah. “To come here to my place and f**king do this. I’d never do something like this to you.”

“I know you think you wouldn’t. I didn’t think I ever would either.” Gio frowned as Hector helped him up, still feeling a little woozy. He spoke again, hoping somehow they all could understand. “I didn’t do this to you, man. It just happened.”

“Fuck you!” Felix pushed Abel and Noah away, looking completely disgusted. “Did you guys know about this?”

“No!” Gio yelled before Noah dared implicate himself. “Nobody knew.”

Felix stared at him, still utterly disgusted. “Get this piece of shit off my property.” He turned back to Gio just before heading back up the stairs. “Don’t ever call or even text me again. You hear me? You’re dead to me now.” He stopped and turned to face him again. “And tell that whore there are plenty more boxers at 5th Street. She can work her way down the line.”

Gio jumped, ready to go at him but Hector stopped him. Abel and Noah readied themselves to stop Felix if they had to. Gio pointed at him infuriated. “Say whatever you want about me, dude, but leave her out of this.”

Felix scoffed. “Yeah, I have so much respect for that bitch now. I wouldn’t dare say shit about her.” He threw his hand in the air. “Get the f**k outta here!”

Gio wanted to yell back that he had a lot of nerve calling anyone a whore—wanted to push Hector aside and charge at Felix for even implying the nasty things he had about Bianca. She may’ve betrayed him but Gio knew she wasn’t that kind of girl. She was as much of that kind of girl as Gio was the kind of guy who would betray a friend like he had Felix. This whole thing was something completely unexpected that had just happened to the both of them. But Gio knew it was pointless. Regardless of why or how it happened Felix had every right to be angry—hurt. He’d trusted them both completely and they’d both stabbed him in the back.

So, he didn’t spew out all the angry words he had for Felix for disrespecting Bianca even though he’d do anything for her now. He leaned against Abel’s car and said what he really meant from the bottom of his heart. “I’m sorry, Felix. I really am.”

Felix’s only response, without so much as turning around, before walking back into his cabin was an outstretched arm and his middle finger up in the air.

Gio exhaled loudly and glanced at Noah who shook his head. “All right, I get why you didn’t block his punch but goddamn, Gio. You better make sure you buy an icepack before you start down the hill. That shit is gonna swell shut before you even make it out this driveway.”

Noah examined his eye. Both Abel and Hector stared at him like they didn’t know him. Gio could only imagine what they were thinking. He knew he had to explain to them on the way home. He didn’t want them thinking he was just an ass**le who’d screwed a friend over—a friend who could’ve just as easily been one of them.

They drove silently until they reached the drug store where they bought the ice pack and some aspirin . When they got back in the car Gio, who sat shot gun, rested his head back, holding the ice pack to his swollen shut eye.

“Look guys,” he began. “I know what I did seems despicable but I didn’t just decide to go after his girl. We fell in love. Both of us, not just me. I tried to fight it. I—”

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