Ethan continued, warming to the theme. 'My daughter Chloe is well behaved and goes to preschool 3 days a week in preparation for Kindergarten next year. Her bedroom is well away from the guest suite so she won't disturb you. Not that you'll have to keep to your room of course or that she's very noisy. I'm just making the point that you do have a place to go to that is safe and secure and where people care about you.' Ethan noting her worried features and realising he was railroading her a bit said softly. 'It's for the best.'

Faintly shaking her head Amy replied 'I know I shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth but what I did anyone would have done and you mustn't feel obligated. I don't want to be a burden on you. I was just in the right place at the right or was that wrong time?'

'Either way it was me who was in the wrong time and place. No amount of hospital bills or free accommodation will ever repay my debt to you. You're in this predicament because of me. I'm alive because of you're heroism.' Ethan wasn't about to take no for an answer.

'My impulsiveness, you mean.' Amy snorted.

'Heroism' Ethan re-emphasized. 'Witnesses saw you stop and glance up at the crane, call out to gain my attention then when I didn't respond launch yourself at me. Even if you had not lost your memory and only suffered concussion the need to save my hide was the direct result of a lapse in protocol on my construction site. You have the legal right to compensation.'

'Think you can buy my memory back?' Clearly offended Amy started to get her back up. 'I'm not after your money Mr. Holt so let's get that straight here and now!'

Ethan held up his hands. 'Sorry Amy and please it's Ethan. I've had my fair share of litigation. I seem to attract sycophants and worse still know many are just out for the main chance.'

'You don't know me.' Amy said sullenly.

'You don't know you.'


'I know that, though. I'm not after a huge payout. I'm not out for anything at all. It never entered my head to turn this for a profit. Sure I was worried about the hospital costs and even asked to be moved to a public hospital but you've taken care of the bills and now that I think about it that's appropriate in the circumstances. What's not right though is lying here racking up costs just because I can't remember who I am. But I don't want to be a burden that you don't want.' Once again Amy resumed her reluctant stance, obviously unwilling to fall in with Ethan's plans once she was discharged.

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