'Let me assure you, you have no need to be concerned about anything, even the preponderance of Manly supporters. The hospital costs have been taken care of as well as where you go once you're fit to leave.'

'Oh! Really?' Amy said her growing unease apparent. 'Fair enough that the construction company should pay my bills but to then organise where I am to go. I don't like not being in control and I don't like the idea of being beholden to anyone.' Amy defiantly looked him straight in the eye, then beginning to drown in his penetrating intense blue gaze hers skittered away to somewhere over his shoulder.

'No one has reported you missing. No one is apparently looking for you. You don't have much choice.'

Ethan felt a heel when her defiance deflated. Was it true? Could this delightful creature really have no one who cared about her? Could she possibly be despised and her absence welcomed?

Resignedly Amy asked 'In what way?'

'You're due to be discharged tomorrow as, physically anyway, you're healing well.'

Sensing a battle on his hands Ethan explained. 'If you still have no memory you need to have somewhere to go. You could stay in a shelter.'

'What, a shelter for the homeless?'

'Well more a refuge. They take any woman who hasn't got a place to go and needs help getting back on their feet. But they're essentially for people who have no other avenue of assistance. You on the other hand do. Me. You're coming home to live with me for the time being.'

Amy obviously felt the need to protest. 'I can't impose upon you like that Mr. Holt. What would you're wife say if you brought home a strange woman for an indefinite period of time?'


'Ethan. You're not that strange.' Ethan said with a smile. 'And my wife would welcome anyone who saved my life with open arms. That's of course if I were married. Which I'm not. I have a large home, a small family, a large guest suite and very efficient live in help. Together we can then work on you regaining your memory or from what Mac said finding the key to unlock your memory. Not that I'll push the issue. Rest is what the doctor ordered and that is what you'll get.'

Amy's resolve faltered then lay down quietly in the face of Ethan's desire to repay the debt he felt he owed and his ability to provide a place to go.

His single status didn't hurt either she had to admit. Amy didn't think she could have lived under the same roof with a wife with this overwhelming attraction she had immediately felt for Ethan. Although she thought maybe this last point should be heeded. Moving into the home of a man who she felt strongly attracted to while his feelings consisted solely of obligation laced with guilt would not be conducive to her rehabilitation. That she was sure of. A refuge may prove to be a better option. Looking at the set cast of Ethan's face and body language she didn't think that ever was an option.

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