'You are the one who saved me. Now it's my turn to sort of save you. You would not be a burden, in any way whatsoever. What is a load on my mind is the thought that you have no where to go so the matter is closed. Until you get your memory back or someone claims you as their own you're my responsibility, a duty I embrace willingly, even thankfully. So I'll pick you up after the doctors' rounds tomorrow. Rest and enjoy the rest of your day.'

The wind taken out of her sails Amy could only nod her acquiescence and try to ignore the warning bells going off in her head regarding leaving the safe haven of the hospital and more specifically moving in with Ethan.

She felt like she would be dammed if she did and dammed if she didn't.

Her future rested in the considerable hands of this all too dangerous man, her whole world would, for the time being, revolve around him.

As for the man concerned he seemed to be totally unconcerned bidding her farewell as he had a meeting at 3 and a tender to submit by 5 not to mention he still had a business to run and family to love. At the moment both much neglected, he had said.

Amy slid down under the covers. Her heartbeat and breathing finally returning to normal as was her skin colour. Her hand though still burned from its contact with Ethan's. Here's hoping the rest of me doesn't get burned as well, she mused.

Following the doctor's or was that Ethan's orders to rest Amy spent the rest of the day watching television and chatting to the nurses conserving all the energy she had in order to survive her brave new world.

She, coward that she was, was thankful that it didn't need facing until tomorrow.


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