Yeah as clear as mud. 'Do you know how you came to be here?'

'Roughly. Seems some bozo was standing too close to some boys playing with their big meccano set when they decided to down tools and I decided to use my head literally to move him on.' Amy said with a wry look.

Chuckling Ethan replied. 'By the way did I say my full name is Ethan Bozo Holt?' Then in a huskier tone 'Seriously though, I owe my life to your quick thinking and heroic actions. Thank you.'

'Anytime.' Not thinking quickly now. 'Did you get hurt?'

'Only my ego at being flattened by a woman half my size. Oh and the fact that it was my meccano set that almost demolished me.'

Flushing under the intense scrutiny Amy shifted uneasily and tugged her hand free.

'Sorry for staring. Just marveling how better you look today than you did even yesterday. There's colour back in your cheeks and the imprint of my ribs on your face has faded.' Ethan wryly concluded.

Ethan wondered at her heightened colour. Maybe his proximity was unsettling. He certainly felt unsettled. Her breathing was only just returning to somewhat normal. Could it have been because he was now no longer leaning over her or holding her hand?

'The doctor tells me you have no memory of anything before the accident.'


The hesitation before the reply spoke volumes. 'Er…No, nothing at all. Nothing of importance anyway. No feelings of déjà vu, elusive thoughts, tip of the tongue stuff. Just…nothing. Well not entirely nothing. I still know that I would be unpopular with the staff and most of the visitors if I said Manly won't win this year's premiership.'

The hospital being on the more affluent north shore of Sydney was in Sea Eagles territory. The team always carried the moniker of 'silver spooners' and so were not very popular with the rest of firstly the state and then the country when the league went national. It was common place that when asked who you were barracking for the answer was who ever were playing Manly.

Being a Sydney Swans fan, an Australian Rules team, and being raised in the mostly struggling western suburbs of Sydney Ethan concurred with the summing up of Manly despite now living in a prestigious and affluent suburb himself and definitely not struggling. And it didn't fail to register that Amy wasn't a local either.

Amy continued. 'This nothingness…It feels so weird, so very disturbing and the future is so…uncertain.'

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