Zane continued to watch her. “Elaina told me you and Ty used to date.” He glanced up at the ceiling again as he heard the water turn on in the shower upstairs.

She cleared her throat and nodded, gazing at her daughter before looking at Zane. “We were together for a few months. Nothing really serious, more….” She shrugged and shook her head, searching for the right words. “Like duct tape on a window. You know itll fall apart eventually, but at least you can make interesting patterns in the meantime.”

Zane laughed softly. “Thats an odd description.” “But apt, isnt it? With Ty? I dont mean it as an insult. He was good to me. He still is. We parted on good terms. And he was like a godsend for Elaina when she really needed someone. He still makes an effort to spend time with her when he can. Hes just not the type you bring home to Mom, but hes a good guy,” she asserted with a selfconscious laugh.

“One of the best Ive met.” Zane looked over Elaina and thought about Tys family. “Im not surprised he spends time with her. Shes adorable.”

“Thank you,” Shannon said with a smile. The water turned off upstairs with a heavy clank, and she glanced upward. She looked back at Zane, and her smile faltered.

Zane shook his head, wondering what had her anxious. Then it occurred to him. She was waiting for him to excuse himself. “Ah, I dont live far, but its pretty cold to walk it. I cant leave until I call a cab,” he said, hinting at leaving to give her time with Ty. Now to see if shed take it.

She began shaking her head quickly. “No, theres no need for that, I can take you home. I just… he really shouldnt be alone tonight. But….” She stopped and held her breath for a heartbeat before letting it out in an irritated rush as she smiled and laughed at herself. “When hes all pitiful and drugged like this, I just really shouldnt be around him,” she admitted as she blushed furiously. “Could you maybe stay with him?”

Zane didnt even try to hide the grin. Yeah, she was spunky. “Well, that being the case, yes, if you can run me to my truck so were not stranded.” He shrugged and took a drink from the half-empty can in his hand.

“Of course,” she agreed gratefully. They could hear Ty moving around upstairs again, which was an altogether good thing, since hed been practically catatonic earlier. A few moments later, he thumped heavily down the stairs and padded barefoot into the living room, hair still damp and mussed. He wore a pair of sweatpants and a thin, faded T-shirt that had once had writing on it, and hed taken the time to tape up his fingers after the shower. He looked awful, like someone had just put his puppy on a spit roast. He glanced at them both sheepishly as he joined them, but then he waved a hand at Shannons beer and snorted.

“Make yourself at home, sweetheart,” he joked quietly. Shannon huffed back at him. “At least its real beer and not hard lemonade.”

“Hes probably got that too,” Zane commented before draining his soda can. He pointed at Ty. “But none for you at all.”


“Whats wrong with hard lemonade?” Ty asked, clearly offended. Shannon laughed as she stood and set the bottle on the table beside the couch. “Are you okay?” Ty shrugged uncomfortably, obviously searching for an answer that was somewhat honest. Zane looked between the two, deciding it would be best if he stayed out of this conversation. Hed have his own version with Ty later.

“Well,” Shannon murmured, obviously knowing Ty well enough to know that he wasnt okay. She stepped closer and hugged him tight. “Im going to take Zane back to get his truck, okay? Hes going to stay with you tonight to make sure you dont throw yourself off the balcony.”

Zane stood and moved away, giving them some space, wondering if Ty was feeling as awkward as he was. Zane had never met one of Tys old girlfriends. He hadnt realized Ty had old girlfriends.

Ty merely nodded as she let him go. He made an effort to give her a smile, but his heart obviously wasnt in keeping up a façade. It was interesting that he didnt seem to feel the need to bother with her.

Shannon retrieved her purse from the kitchen counter, and Ty glanced over at Zane and met his eyes. Zane tipped his head to the side in question, raising one brow. Ty responded with a helpless gesture that wasnt quite identifiable, other than to say he was indeed uncomfortable and probably heartbroken.

Ty cleared his throat and stepped over to the couch where Elaina still slept peacefully, and he bent and gathered her carefully in his arms before easily lifting her. She murmured sleepily and snuggled up against his shoulder.

“Lets get you to the car,” he said, and Shannon watched them with a sad smile as Ty carried the girl toward the door.

She looked to Zane. “Ready?” Zane nodded, watching Ty closely, but he figured he had to trust Ty to know if hed trust himself enough to carry the little girl. Seeing him with her, so careful, almost loving… it was a totally different side of Ty, even from what Zane saw in him, and he doubted he would ever see all the sides of the man he called his lover.

TY SAT in his living room with all the lights off and the blinds drawn, staring at the outlines of the furniture in the dark. His head was pounding, but it was from anger and anguish more than the pill hed taken several hours ago.

Not only was someone trying to kill as many Feds, cops, firemen, EMTs, and civil servants as they could, they were setting bombs in public places where anyone could stumble over them.

And they had bombed his Bronco. Ty closed his eyes as a wave of nausea passed through him. He knew it was silly to be sitting in the dark mourning a vehicle, but he didnt care. That Bronco had been part of him. Hed had her for half his life. Rescued her from the scrap yard and rebuilt every piece of her with his own two hands. Why the bomb had gone off when it did was anyones guess, but Ty firmly believed the Bronco had done it—no matter how silly that sounded. She had been a loyal companion, and now she had taken the hit for him. Thrown herself on the grenade.

He knew he had tears streaming down his face, but he didnt care. She deserved to be mourned. The scratch of the key in the lock of the front door didnt even faze him. Zane entered in a splash of sunlight and a rush of cold air, quiet besides a rustling of plastic and paper. He closed and locked the door behind him and stayed in place. Probably letting his eyes adjust to the dark.

“I brought some lunch.”

“Ugh,” Ty responded automatically as the thought of food made his stomach protest. “Yeah, I figured that would be your reaction.” Zanes voice held a hint of amusement. “So I got chicken, mashed potatoes, and biscuits. Plain stuff to settle your stomach.” He started moving toward the kitchen bar.

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