Ty swallowed heavily and watched him go, trying to think of something to say that didnt involve food, bombs, cars, women, or him sitting there by himself in the dark and wiping tears off his face. He watched Zane set a couple of bags on the bar along with his keys, wallet, and badge. After turning on the small work light under the microwave, he came out of his heavy leather jacket, and his gun joined the pile. Then he turned and leaned back against the bar, hands in his pockets, looking toward his partner.

“Vicodin worn off?” “Oh yeah,” Ty answered as his stomach flip-flopped and nerves inexplicably assaulted him. He didnt know why he was nervous. Hell, he hadnt even done anything wrong this time. Much.

Zane watched him for a long moment before walking over and standing in front of him. “Can I get you anything?” He sounded—and looked—honestly concerned.

Ty looked up at him as the vise around his chest eased some. He smiled wanly and reached out to slide his fingers against the back of Zanes hand.

Zane squatted down in front of him, catching his hand and lifting it to kiss his knuckles. He sighed. “Im sorry, baby. I hate that youre hurting,” he added quietly.

The words hit that now-familiar chord in Tys chest that made it twist and tighten. He shook his head to rid himself of the painful feeling that the attack and subsequent loss had caused and reached out to pat Zanes cheek. “Im okay. Ill wake up in the morning ready for revenge, and itll all go back to normal.”

The grunt Zane gave in response didnt sound too sure, but he didnt comment. He turned his face to kiss Tys palm before shifting his weight to stand. “Cmon. At least eat some mashed potatoes for me.” He pulled at Tys hand gently. “Then well go to bed, watch movies, and be lazy the rest of the day.”

“Okay,” Ty said suspiciously as he stood. He knew Zane well enough to know when he was keeping something from him. But he also knew Zane would come out with it in his own sweet time and not before, unless Ty dug hard for it. And he didnt want to dig. He just wanted to sit and cry and have the day be over. “Can we just skip food and go to bed?”

The lines of Zanes face softened visibly. “Yeah. Ill put the food in the fridge. You go on upstairs. Ill bring some water.” Ty nodded as he moved past Zane toward the steps in the center of the narrow row house. He let his hand slide down Zanes forearm and across his belly as he went, then put his head down and climbed to the darkened bedroom on the second floor. He supposed it was normal to feel like something was amiss after nearly being blown up and then watching your oldest companion and most beloved possession go up in smoke as people around you filmed it. Not to mention the fact that he was now officially a target. Hed become the poster child for shit that needed exploding in Baltimore.

It was only a few minutes before he heard Zanes footsteps on the stairs, and then Zane appeared in the doorway, small duffel in one hand, gun in the other, two bottles of water in the crook of his arm. The gun and bottles went on the nightstand, the duffel on the floor next to the dresser. He probably had more clothes stashed in Tys spare room now than he had at his own apartment. Ty often wondered how it would go down if Zane chickened out and ended it. Would he get to throw all of Zanes shit off the balcony and make a scene? That was really the only thing about the end he looked forward to.

He sat on the bed, frowning at Zanes shoes as he thought about it. Then the mattress dipped next to him.


“Thinking awfully hard for someone who was blitzed on painkillers all morning.” It was a gentle tease.

“Dont ever let me take another one of those things.” He knew hed need one in the morning, of course.

“If thats what you want, all right. You can stick to Tylenol and beer,” Zane replied. Ty reached out and patted Zanes knee, letting his hand rest there as he finally forced himself to look up and meet Zanes eyes. “Thank you for believing me today,” he said roughly. “No one else did.”

“I trust you,” Zane said simply.

Tys hand tightened for a moment, and then he looked away and let his fingers slide off Zanes knee. “Ty, I….” Zanes voice trailed off, and he took a shaky breath before trying again. “How about you lie down? You look like youre about to fall asleep sitting there.”

“Yeah,” Ty agreed sedately. He pushed himself back and rolled into the middle of the bed, moving the sheets around and kicking them to the bottom of the bed. “Whats on your mind, Zane?”

Zane leaned back on one hand as he turned to look at Ty. His eyes told Ty he didnt plan on answering. Ty let his hand fall to the side, his palm landing against Zanes back just under the shirt. Zane gave him a half smile over his shoulder before pulling his shirt over his head, exposing his scarred back to the light of the lamp in the corner. He got up, kicked out of his shoes and jeans, and was soon crawling into the bed next to Ty in just briefs.

Ty reached out and let his forearm fall across Zanes chest, then turned and slid his other arm around him, pulling him closer and curling against him gratefully. Zane settled on his side, closing his arms around Ty and sighing. Ty felt the words on his tongue and consciously held his breath, warding them off. He knew Zane was uncomfortable with the words “I love you,” though he didnt exactly understand why. It wouldnt do either of them to beat it into the ground. Ty knew Zane loved him, in his own way.

And he hoped Zane knew the only thing Ty had loved longer than him was that Bronco. I T FELT like Ty was awake for a long time before his mind actually realized it. He was aware of being in bed. He was aware of the very early morning sunlight hitting his face. He was aware of his entire body being sore and borderline painful. He was aware of a solid ache in his heart that was shaped like a green and tan Ford Bronco.

He just couldnt seem to convince himself to move or open his eyes. But finally, he turned his head and cracked an eye open with a soft groan.

Zane lay on his side next to him, his hand extended to rest on Tys chest. He looked relaxed and deeply asleep, though Ty knew better. Zane still slept lightly, albeit better the few nights a week they slept together.

Ty remained still for a long time, trying to piece together yesterday and trying to decide just how badly he hurt this morning. He felt like hed been hit by a tank. Again.

Finally, he had to shift and roll. He gasped in surprise as he did so, not expecting the stabbing pain in his side.

Zanes eyes snapped open, and he pushed himself up on one elbow. “Careful, youre bruised as hell.”

“Sorry,” Ty gasped as he tried to decide which way to move. Because after he settled, he wasnt going to move again. Ever. “Need to get up? Might be a good idea. I bet youre stiff.” Ty grunted and nodded, pushing himself up carefully. He looked at the tape on his fingers and grimaced as he sat up fully. Zane stayed where he was, watching silently. He was still warm and sleepy, and he looked it too.

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