“Who the hell thinks that shits funny?” Ty shouted at everyone. “Wheres my gun?” he demanded with all seriousness as he began to pat himself down.

“Who are you gonna shoot? The robot?” Zane asked with a sigh. He saw one of the bomb squad men give the all clear sign, and he tugged at Tys arm. Reporters began to crowd toward the cordoned-off area as people began to stir. “Come on. Well go check the damage.”

Ty swung out of the dugout and began stalking toward the Bronco, muttering angrily as he started shedding his catchers gear. Zane jogged after him, dodging the shin guards and chest protector as they bounced to the ground.

“I cant f**king believe this,” Ty exclaimed. “Whats the likelihood of that shit, huh?”

“Special Agent Grady!” a reporter called out, and Zane turned to see her running after them in an impressive pair of stilettos. Ty turned to her and flopped his hands. “Seriously?” he shouted angrily. “Is that your car, Agent Grady?” she yelled after him, microphone out as she and her cameraman continued hurrying toward them, trying to catch up from twenty yards behind. Zane wondered how she knew Tys name.

Ty turned to look at the Bronco, waving his hand at it. “Yes, its mine! Look at it!” He took one more step toward the frowning Bronco, and the hood blasted upward, belching flames. The sound followed, a scream of metal and machinery, like a terrified mechanical plea for help, and the old Bronco jumped into the air, flame and heat blasting out of it as the gas tank exploded. The concussion of the explosion knocked Ty and Zane backward and to the ground, heat whooshing over them with what Zane would have sworn was a pained groan from the vehicle.

The dying breath of Tys beloved Bronco. Ty rose slowly, looking with absolute horror at the flames that licked at the tree branches above. He suddenly pushed himself up and made to run toward the wreckage. Zane grabbed for him, tripping him up and then tackling him to the ground. Zane had no doubt Ty would try to put the flames out himself and probably go down in a fiery blaze of glory trying to save the damn thing.

“Shes burning, Zane!” Ty yelled, in a panic, voice full of anguish as he tried to squirm out of Zanes grasp. The sound broke Zanes heart. He had to wrap both arms around his partner and put all his weight into him to keep Ty from lashing out blindly as firemen ran past them. “Ty, stop,” he said firmly.

Ty tensed like he was going to lunge again, but then he relaxed beneath Zane as if someone had let the air out of him. He didnt make a sound, and he seemed to be holding his breath as he craned his neck, staring at the crackling flames and pillar of black smoke.

The cameraman skidded to a stop beside them, filming the burning Bronco, filming the firemen trying to stem the flames with extinguishers, and filming them as Ty lay beneath Zane and watched his oldest friend burn.

Chapter Five


Z ANE jogged down the stairs to the living room and stopped, looking around to find Shannon. Shed given them a ride to Tys house, since Zanes truck had been behind the cordoned-off safety line. They had decided they needed to get Ty home, away from the television cameras that seemed to love to torment him, where he could fall apart in peace.

He found her sitting in an armchair, and Elaina was crashed out on the couch, so Zane moved to join them.

“How is he?” Shannon asked dubiously. “I know how he felt about that truck.” Zane shook his head as he stripped out of his heavy sweatshirt before sitting down. “Hes still in shock. Not pacing or ranting or anything else I would expect out of him. Im not sure which is better.” He glanced up to the ceiling. “Hes supposed to be getting in the shower.”

“Silent and still is not a good sign,” Shannon advised as she straightened and put her hands on her knees. She stood and glanced up at the ceiling as well. “You want a beer? I think we all deserve one after today,” she said quietly as she headed for the kitchen.

“Dr Pepper is fine,” Zane said. “I was thinking about suggesting we order in some food. I want to keep an eye on him after the reaction he had to the painkillers.”

“Its not the painkillers Im worried about. He talks about that truck like its a person. He just lost his oldest friend out there.” “I know,” Zane said grimly.

“The pills will just make it worse. How many did he take, anyway?” Shannon asked as she rummaged in the refrigerator. She certainly behaved like shed been there before. Zane had to force himself not to wonder how long it had been. Hed never heard Ty speak of her, and hed never seen her before.

She let the door swing shut as she moved back toward Zane with a bottle of beer and a can of soda. “I didnt see him take the pill. After the shape he was in last night, Id say he took a whole one today, which makes me think I should smack him upside the head,” Zane rambled, accepting the Dr Pepper with a quiet thank-you as he thought about how sick Ty would be tomorrow.

Shannon laughed at him quietly and sat down opposite him. “You two are funny,” she commented with a shake of her head.

Zane blinked and focused on her, thinking back over what hed just said and deeming it safe. “Why do you say that?” “I mean, dont take offense or anything,” she said quickly, keeping her voice down as Elaina snored beside her. “You just dont take any of his bull. And seeing him today, he obviously trusts you. Its just… unusual to see him show that much real emotion around anyone.”

Zane studied her for a long moment before relaxing back into the chair. “Well. Weve been through a lot together.” “So I hear,” she acknowledged with a slow nod. She licked her lower lip and looked down at the rug, tapping her finger on her beer bottle uneasily, as if shed run out of things to say and couldnt seem to decide on a safe new topic.

Zane resisted the urge to smile. She wasnt a field agent; she was too easy to read. “And what have you heard?” he prompted, curious about her. “Im guessing youre assigned here at the Baltimore office, but Ive not seen you before today.” He gave her an honest grin. “Id have remembered.”

She snorted at him and smiled wryly. “You cant charm me, Agent Garrett,” she warned, pointing upward to where they could hear Ty moving around. “Ive been baptized by fire.”

“Please, call me Zane,” he requested. He was starting to see why Ty had been drawn to her. Not only was she attractive, she was smart and straightforward.

She smiled more and nodded in thanks, then looked down at her hands as she played with the peeling label of her beer. “Im an analyst focusing on the Middle East. Thats how I met Ty. A couple years ago I needed a native speaker for a recording, and someone pointed me to him for help.”

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