Jeflur was quite void of true Liberality, but this Matter concerned him too nearly to lose such a dexterous Manager, who had taken it into his Hands, by an unseasonable Parsimony. Kelirieu appear'd the next Day at the King's Levee, who took him into his Closet, and renewing their last Conversation; what a feeble Remedy, says he, do you propose for my violent Agitations! Such Sufferings as mine require something more than Words. I know a Person, replied Kelirieu, whose Conversation is so charming, that I am sure your Highness upon a Tryal, will be so delighted with it, that it would recover your former Chearfulness. The King seeming to question it, the Lord flew away to the Queen's Apartment, to tell Liamil, that the King had sent for her.

Liamil, full of Joy, as having already been instructed, made no less Haste thither. But how was she surprised and mortified, when Zeokinizul, having ask'd her what she wanted, view'd her for some Time without speaking a Word more. Tho' she was prepared to act her Part, she could not forbear blushing, tho' more out of Spite than Bashfulness. And as she could not presume to speak first, after staying about a Quarter of an Hour in the Apartment, she made a low Courtesy, and withdrew, full of Confusion and Rancour.

The Mollak, who was waiting for her Return, used his utmost to appease her. Believe me, says he to her, Zeokinizul is smitten, only allow him Time to get the better of some troublesome Scruples, and every Thing will be according to our Desires. And indeed, she was scarce out of Sight, but Zeokinizul was sorry for the cold Reception he had given her. He blamed himself for his Incivility; and, to make her some Amends, he went to the Queen's Apartment. Now was the critical Instant, the decisive Moment for this Princess. Could she have suspended her excessive Devotion to receive the King her Husband in a becoming Manner, there had been an End of all Jeflur's Schemes, and Kelirieu's thousand Tomans had been saved to the Treasury; but her sending him Word, that she begg'd his Highness would suffer her to finish her Devotion before she waited on him, gave him Time enough to talk to Liamil, who did not fail of exerting all her Talents, which charm'd the King to that Degree, that he thought Kelirieu had not exceeded in his high Enconiums, the Wit and agreeable Qualities of this Lady. And under Pretence of being extremely taken with her Conversation, he desired her Company in his Closet that very Evening.

Jeflur's Exultations at hearing this News from Liamil, were beyond all Description. He made her repeat the Oath, which she had at first swore, never to require the Rights of the Favorite Sultana, but be satisfied with the Honours of the Handkerchief. He drew her a Plan for her Rule of Life, regulated her Behaviour to the Queen, and instructed her in the King's Temper. In fine, he imitated the fond Mother, who, upon her Daughters being soon to be delivered up to a Bridegroom, prepares her for the Conflict, represents to her the Pleasures and Sorrows attendant on the Marriage State, and instructs her how to heighten the one, and alleviate the other. When he came to be alone, he applauded his happy Choice, and really he never could have met with a Person so fit for the Purpose, nor who would have submitted to his Directions with less Ambition, and more Pliantness and Punctuality.

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