I beseech your Highness to hear me, replied Kelirieu, not in the least daunted at the King's Anger, I swear by your royal Head, that it was not my Intention to offend you. But a too precipitate Construction of my Advice has led you to resent it as base and criminal. But, Sire, can your Highness harbour a Suspicion that Kelirieu would offer to eclipse your Glory? No, Heaven is my Witness, that I would rather die a thousand Deaths. When I intimated to your Highness, that the Remedy of your Sorrows was too be found only in the Conversation of Women, I meant no other than what the Laws both human and divine admit of. And that as Solitude only serves to augment your Grief, the entertaining Wit and Sprightliness of the Fair Sex, in their Conversations, was the only Antidote against your growing Affliction, in which a whole Nation participates.

There may be Danger in such a Step, replied the King, when once a Woman has charmed the Mind, she soon makes her Way to the Heart, and since the Queen has been pleased to return me mine, which I had so affectionately given her, I will be always upon my Guard to keep it free and insensible.

And at the same Time he changed the Discourse, and soon after dismissed his Confident, who was impatient till he had related his Progress to Jeflur. The Mollak, embracing him a thousand Times, cried, thy Services are inestimable, neither shall I be ungrateful. Liamil, Wife to the Bassa of the same Name, is she whom you are to propose to Zeokinizul. Kelirieu could not conceal his Surprise at her Name.

How, says he to the Minister, can you conceive that he is to be captivated by a Person of her Age? Would your Holiness but reflect on the Nature of Zeokinizul's Scruples. It must be some enchanting Beauty which can transport him to commit an Infidelity which he accounts no small Crime. And you are for seducing him by Liamil, who has as few Charms as any Court Lady, and who, besides, is under conjugal Engagements. How shocking will the Idea of this complicated Guilt appear to the Prince, who cannot bear the Thoughts of a single Infidelity? Ah! learned Mollak, you require of me what is beyond my Power, and out of the Course of Nature. Furnish me with a proper Instrument, let the Person to be recommended be young, gay, handsome, and artful, and then I will be answerable for the Success.

Surely you must be very little acquainted with Zeokinizul, interrupted the Minister, is it not apparent that this Prince, who has been used to an antiquated Beauty, and was so excessively fond of her, will think nothing lovely but as it resembles his Spouse? Besides, he will have no Time to attend to the Suggestions of his Scruples. And Liamil's small Share of Beauty will prevent any Mistrust in him. I rely more upon her Wit than on her personal Charms, in which she has few Equals, and that is the Talent by which I suppose she shall commence the Intrigue; Opportunity will forward it. Besides, do you think that I am so blind to mine own Interest, as to provide Zeokinizul with a young ambitious Mistress, who will be for monopolizing the royal Favour, and never be satisfied till she has grasp'd the Disposal of all Offices and Honours? No, no, my dear Kelirieu, Liamil is the Woman for the King, 'tis she whom you must bring him to like, if you value my Friendship, and whose Friendship can equal mine? Any other than she would give me too much Umbrage for me to bear with it long. There is a Bill for a Thousand Tomans, go and receive them at the Treasury. A thousand more shall recompense your Success.

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