Besides, her singular Wit, Liamil had a Serenity of Temper which excited Love, though she was in her thirty sixth Year. The Minister before this, was under no Apprehension that she would fail in her Aim at Zeokinizul's Heart. The artificial Charms with which she concealed the Loss, or want of natural ones, the exquisite Neatness and Elegancy of her Dress, with the Gracefulness of her Deportment, rendered the Conquest certain. Besides, it was no Novelty for a Kofiran King to keep a Mistress older than himself, and some have been even known to retain the Affections from Father to Son, to the third Generation.

Liamil did not fail to keep so promising an Appointment. She found Zeokinizul expecting her, and tho' this Prince had prepared himself to see her, he was as much disordered at the Sight of her, as he had been in the Morning. Liamil was oblig'd to furnish Talk, for Zeokinizul went no further than a reserv'd Complaisance; and after being a full Hour by themselves, upon the Prince's signifying that he would be alone, she left him, having only receiv'd eight or ten Answers, and those rather civil than gallant. Who can conceive the Anguish of Liamil, when she return'd to Jeflur?

Wretch that I am, cried she, throwing herself upon a Sopha, here her Sighs stopp'd her Voice, that she could not proceed. Jeflur was struck with Amazement, and knew not what to think of such Emotions. He dried her Tears, he inlarged his Promises, and particularly vowed he would make her rich Amends for the Vexation she suffered on his Account. Let me alone, said she, at last, was it not enough to make me marry a Man whom I hate, but must you also draw me to love one who slights me? Yes, the King, with whose Love you flatter'd me, slights me; I am come directly from his Closet, where I was with him above an Hour; and so far from making Love to me, that he did not say the least soft Thing. Is not this Coldness? Is not this slighting? Is this all that raises such a Storm in this poor Bosom, replied Jeflur? Did not I forewarn you, that Zeokinizul's deep Sense of his Duty, would make him be greatly upon the Reserve with you? And that you would think him insensible, tho' he was only immerst in Thought? Why did not you intice him? Come, come, be easy, I will engage to procure you another private Meeting; but take Care not to act the Prude again so unseasonably. Ply him with every alluring Art, and even make Use of a fond Violence to make him yield. He is not to be treated like common Lovers. These Injunctions cannot be disagreeable to you. Zeokinizul is perfectly handsome, and in the Prime of Life. You love him, and therefore must leave no Means untry'd to secure his.

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