The face is the mirror of the mind, and eyes without speaking confess the secrets of the heart.

-St. Jerome

230 Apartment Building, Belle City, 1:45a.m

Brandon threw his fist at Denella, but she blocked his punch with her hand.

"You know, I really did trust you." Denella said as she dodged his kicks and tried to punch him.

"You know, I really don't care. That's all I ever wanted from you; your trust." He grinned as he kicked her in the side of her stomach, and she yelled in pain but kept fighting. "Once I gained your trust," he continued, "You would never suspect that it was me who behind all of this. But, I always knew you were a clever one."

Denella punched his jaw. "When did you learn how to fight like this?"

Brandon smirked as he wiped away the blood oozing out of his mouth. "They're many things you don't know about me. That includes me being a third degree black belt."

"Why? Why did you do all of this? Kidnap my mom and John? Who were you going to sell them to?"

"You really don't know how human trafficking works, do you?"


"I know as much as I need to." Denella spun around and kicked him in the stomach.

He cried out in pain. She threw her leg in the air and tried to kick him, but he got a hold of her leg and swung her around. Letting go of her, she landed on the hard, concrete pavement hitting her head on the ground. She struggled to stand up, but once she did, she was so dizzy. It looked like there were ten men coming at her when there was only one of Brandon.

He lifted her up and stood at the edge. "I heard you like roller coasters. I was never too fond of them, especially the part where you go down. But you, on the other hand, well, that's your favourite part; going down. You're going to enjoy going down from 200 feet up, aren't you? Just think of it like you're on the best roller coaster on your way down. Okay?"

"Put her down." A voice said from behind.

Brandon turned around and beamed. "What took you so long?"

"I said, put her down."

Brandon finally stepped off of the edge and stood on the roof. "A little bit longer, and she would have already committed suicide." He laid Denella down on the ground and walked up to Raphael. "Don't try anything with me, Raphael. I'm a third degree black belt."

Raphael punched Brandon in his jaw. "Some third degree black belt. Can't even dodge a simple punch."

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