If you do not expect the unexpected you will not find it, for it is not to be reached by search or trail.


230 Apartment Building, Belle City, 1:17a.m

The musicians left and took away all of the plates. Brandon and Denella walked to the edge of the roof. They looked down from over 200 feet high. Denella felt as if she could see all of Belle City from the top there.

"Thank you for the dinner and the music . . . and everything. I really needed that tonight. I was under a lot a stress over the past few days, and I just really needed that." Denella explained.

He looked at her and smiled. "I know we didn't get along quite well in the beginning, but look at where it's brought us now."

Denella smiled, but her smile suddenly faded and she looked more shocked that happy.

Brandon was confused. "What's wrong? Is it something I said?"

"No, no, It's nothing." she replied.

"I know that nothing. It's the one where you're not telling something. What's wrong?" he asked again.


Denella hesitated. "You're missing a button."

Brandon laughed. "Yeah, I know. It's been gone for a while now."

"It's a Vahelio jacket." Denella stated.

"I know. Two years ago, my sister bought it for--" He paused. "You think I'm the one who killed Terrance, don't you?"

Denella gulped. "I don't know, are you?"

"Denella why would think that. Is it because of Raphael. Did he say something about me that changed your mind?"

"No, it has nothing to do with him. It's just that . . . these buttons on your jacket looked exactly like the one that was found in Terrance's office."

"It's probably just a coincidence. Unless, Raphael planted it there to frame me. He could have done it because he was jealous of you and me."

"Brandon, there was another guy at the Gregnory Harbour, but he got away. He was wearing a black hoodie at the time, and he was the one with Celcus. I don't know why, but he wasn't with the other guys who showed up in the black car.

"Please don't tell me you think I'm that guy."

"I don't. That guy who was wearing the black hoodie could have been the same one who put Henry in the hospital. The other men were shorter than he was. He was taller than them; he was about . . . your height."

"Okay, first of all, you do think I'm that guy, don't you? And, second, who's Henry?"

"Before the bomb went off at Elmer's market, Raphael sent Henry to go search for it. I remember seeing you go after him. I think you were wearing a hoodie that day. Brandon, tell me the truth. Did you push Henry down the stairs? Were you the one with Celcus? Was it really you behind this whole thing? Were you the one who kidnapped John and made up a whole story of lies? Please tell me it wasn't you." Denella begged. "I trusted you. Please . . ."

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