Brandon tripped Raphael, but he pulled Brandon down to the floor and he fell. They punched and kicked and tried everything until one of them would give up, but they each showed no sign of weakness.

Finally, Brandon pinned Raphael to the edge of the building. "Remember how you came to R.O.S.S. and pinned me down on the desk? I'm just returning the favour. Once I throw you off this building, I'll throw Denella off too."

"If you touch her, I'll kill you." Raphael threatened.

"But how are you going to do that if you're the one who's dead? That's going to be some story. I can already see it in the newspapers: Man Kills Himself Because Girlfriend Dies. That's the perfect heading, but we need a real writer writing that story. Writing was never one of my talents."

Raphael pushed Brandon off of him and threw him off the side of the building. Brandon was hanging off of the edge, his fingers gripping on for his dear life but slowly slipping off. Raphael grabbed him and tried to help him up, but Brandon insisted he let go.

"Don't save me. Let go. Once you pull me up there, I'm just going to be locked away forever. Let go!" Brandon demanded.

"I'm not letting go!" Raphael pleaded.

Brandon punched Raphael in his hand really hard and Raphael loosened his grip. Raphael's hand was throbbing and he couldn't hold on any longer, but still, he tried to pull Brandon up. Brandon got free of his tight grip and fell from over 200 feet up.

"Brandon!" Raphael called.

He landed on the ground. Raphael could see the blood oozing out of his head. He was gone.


R.O.S.S. Headquarters, Belle City, 2:36a.m

Raphael came out of the elevators holding carrying Denella in his arms. She probably had another concussion after a hard hit like that. The medical group came quickly and took Denella away to make sure she was okay. Raphael had a broken hand, but he was fine. He had tried everything he could to save Brandon, but Brandon chose death over a lifetime served in jail.

Henry approached Raphael and gave him a hug. Raphael asked, "What was that for?"

"Man, you could have gotten yourself killed. I heard what happened, and I'm just glad that you and Denella are okay. But there's something else you have to know."

Raphael could tell that it wasn't good news from his tone.

"T.E.R.S.E. is gone . . . forever."

Raphael was clueless about what Henry was talking about. "What do you mean?"

"Dude, it was too late. It burned. There is no more T.E.R.S.E. When Judy started that fire, it only ended after everything was burned."

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