"Oh, Chris Delarosa? He was one of the guys that we caught at the Gregnory Harbour. Denella said that one of them got away. I don't know how we're going to catch him. By the way, if you're looking for Denella, she's not here. I think she's out with Brandon. If only there was a way to track her. That girl is always on her feet. She's just so adventurous."

"You just gave me an idea. I can track her. Thank you." Raphael said as Henry came back to him drinking a cup of coffee.

"The coffee they have here is way better than the one at T.E.R.S.E." Henry explained.

"Oh, Cynthia, this is my partner Henry. Henry, this is Cynthia." Raphael introduced.

"Hi, it's really nice to meet you." Henry said as he shook her hand.

"Likewise. So are all of the guys good looking at T.E.R.S.E.?" Cynthia asked as she smile.

"You think I'm good looking?" Henry asked as Raphael stepped on his toes. "I-I mean, no, they're not. It's just me; I'm one of a kind." He stated.

Raphael rolled his eyes. "I have to get going. I'm going to go find Denella. Henry, you can . . . stay here and . . . help Cynthia with her work." he suggested.

Cynthia smirked. "Yeah, I guess you can help me. I'm going to need another set of hands anyways. It's late, and I'm tired. And honestly, this coffee won't keep me awake forever."

"Then, I guess you'll be okay finding her without me." Henry said.


"I'll be fine." Raphael agreed.

When Cynthia was taking Henry to her desk, Henry turned around and mouthed "Thank you" to Raphael. Raphael mouthed back a "Good luck." Now it was time to find Denella.

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