Putting the key safely into his pocket, he hid the box once again in the spot it was. Bending down on the ground beside the dried coffee stain, he picked up a scent. It smelled somewhat like cologne. It was a strong smell. He wondered how he didn't smell it before. The cologne wouldn't have mattered to the police, but it did to Raphael. That was because Terrance never used cologne. Sure, he would always use deodorant and soap, but never cologne. He couldn't stand anything that had a really strong scent.

He remembered the police looked for fingerprints or for anything that would help to see who poisoned Terrance, but they didn't find anything unusual. At the corner if his eyes, he could see something small on the ground; it was shinning under the light. It was small and black. When Raphael looked much closer and picked it up, he noticed that it was a circular button. A though crossed his mind: These kinds of buttons were only found on Vahelio clothing. Terrance didn't wear Vahelio clothing.

R.O.S.S. Headquarters (Floor 23), Belle City, 5:18p.m

Raphael stormed through the elevator doors and looked around. He saw other R.O.S.S. agents, but none of them were the ones he was looking for. But, there in the midst of everyone else, he saw his target. He slowly approached the centre, each step he took made his blood boil even more than it already was. Finally, he pinned down the scared Brandon on the desk and whispered in his ear, "I know what you did."

Other agents had guns pointed at Raphael, but he still continued to hold Brandon down. Brandon couldn't move; Raphael's grip on him was too strong.

"What do you mean?" Brandon breathed.

"You're the one who poisoned Terrance!" Raphael shouted.

"I don't know what you're talking about. Honestly, I don't." Brandon pleaded.

R.O.S.S. Headquarters (Ladies' Washroom), Belle City, 5:24p.m

The sweet smelling scent in the washroom was something Denella loved. Usually she hated public washrooms because they always had a putrid odor, and they were disgusting, but her work's washrooms were clean. She admired how nicely the walls were painted with a pig-like shade of pink. There were items in there that made it a decent place to be such as a big potted plants. Even though they were cleaned every other day, Denella still flushed the toilets by pressing the button with her leg. She was tired, so she washed her face with cold water. As she dried it with the brown, rough, sand-like paper towels, Denella tossed it in the garbage. And like always, she didn't miss.

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