For the most part, that message hasn't change a lot over the years - love is still love and heartbreak is still heartbreak.

-Casey Kasem

T.E.R.S.E. Headquarters, Belle City, 4:56p.m

Raphael rummaged through the box of all of the old files and other belongings that Terrance kept for memories in his office, on top of his locker covered with other boxes. There he found a spare key for the secret room hidden beneath T.E.R.S.E. Headquarters. Raphael had only been there once when he first came to T.E.R.S.E.-or when they first came to him. He had been one of the five people that were trusted and given the chance to explore more than what was mapped out on the blueprints of T.E.R.S.E.

He and Terrance were two of the people. The first person to ever go in that room was Gordon Mark Newthaway. He was the head leader. He built T.E.R.S.E. Headquarters all by hims-elf, and it took him almost six years to do so. After he died during a terrible tragedy, Terrance was the one who took his place.

Twelve years before Raphael came to T.E.R.S.E., Terrance had a favourite agent who he treated like a son. His name was Derek Breyloson-Fields. He was the best and most trusted agent, as Terrance had told Raphael. Terrance's hateful brother, Thomas Gregory Easton, was once an agent at T.E.R.S.E., but he was envious of Terrance since he was in charge. Terrance knew that his brother would want to do something about it, so he promoted him and gave him a high position in T.E.R.S.E. Even with all Terrance did for his older brother, Thomas was still not satisfied. He turned to the evil side and plotted his revenge. He chained Derek to a heavy rock and pushed him off the Nimikle Bridge and into the Deaverson River. This happened two years before Raphael came to T.E.R.S.E. Derek's body was never found, and Terrance never did forgive Thomas for what he did.

The fourth person to go in the room was Sherrie Yeaster, Terrance's girlfriend. This was about twenty years ago when Terrance was only in his late twenties. He wasn't as wise as he would be now. He thought that showing her his personal life and telling her about T.E.R.S.E. wouldn't be such a bad idea, but he was wrong. She actually worked for G.R.E.M.L.Y., another agency that were enemies of T.E.R.S.E., and giving her the opportunity to go in that room was just like giving her the answer to a question that didn't need to be answered. Terrance learned his lesson after it was almost the end of T.E.R.S.E.

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