Before she forgot, she hooked on the device Raphael gave her onto her shirt. Then, she exited the washroom and headed back to her office. She was alarmed when she saw a circle of armed agents surrounding something. To get a closer look, she pushed her way past the scared agents. To her surprise, she found an angry Raphael pinning down Brandon.

"What are you two doing?" Denella cried.

Raphael looked down at Brandon. "Are you going to tell her or should I?"

"Tell me what?" she was curious. Raphael came to her workplace and was threatening her partner.

"Brandon poisoned my boss and now he's dead." Raphael explained.

There was a gasp from the crowd. Denella stared and motioned them to leave. The crowd listened to her command and instantly scattered, but from their working areas, they still continued to watch the dramatic acts.

"Raphael, let him go." she spelled out slowly.

He hesitated, but obeyed.

Denella turned her attention back to Brandon. "Is it true?"

"No! Of course not. I don't know what he's talking about." Brandon protested.


"Raphael, what's gotten into you? Is it because you're jealous?" she questioned.

"I'm not jealous," he snapped, "I found this button in my boss' office. It was underneath his desk close to where he spilled the coffee that had poison in it. These buttons are only found on Vahelio clothing. Most of the times I've seen Brandon, he was wearing Vahelio clothing."

"That doesn't prove anything!" Brandon exclaimed.

Raphael ignored him. "Vahelio clothing are really expensive. Barely anyone has it."

Brandon was shocked at his knowledge. "So, I come from a family with money - a lot of money - but I know of some people who own Vahelio clothing. I thought an agent with more experience like you would have a theory that actually made sense."

Raphael didn't know what to say. He was speechless, and it was quite embarrassing since everyone was now looking at him. He couldn't be wrong. Why wasn't Denella saying anything? She was the one who didn't like Brandon in the first place.

"Raphael, Brandon's right. You don't have any real proof." Denella said.

Raphael smiled a sarcastic smile. "Are you seriously taking his side right now? Why are you defending him?"

"I'm not defending him!" Denella felt like all eyes were on her now. "And I'm not taking anyone's side." she exclaimed. "I thought that if you were going to just show up to my workplace, it would of been to apologize for last time, but I guess I was wrong. You just showed up to make it worst." she said quietly as she looked down.

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