She saw other people in different hospital rooms. Most of them on that floor must have been somewhere near Elmer's Supermarket when it blew up into pieces. Lots of them had burn marks all in various parts of their bodies. Those scars would be there forever. A few of them looked like they were lifeless. They weren't moving and some weren't even breathing.

All of this, somehow, felt like her fault. She should of figured out what Celcus meant earlier. Then, she would have been able to save so many lives.

In one of the hospital rooms, she saw a little girl. Her mom was there. "Are you okay, sweetie?" The mother said.

"I'm fine." The little girl said.

All of a sudden, Denella felt like she just experienced a Déjà Vu moment, but she wasn't really experiencing it; it was like she was remembering something similar that had happened to her. Once more, she had those visions in her head, but, again, they weren't just visions, they felt like memories. It was the same mother from before with the hazel eyes. The mother was asking the little girl if she was okay. The girl had fallen off of her bike and bruised her knee. The mark it left looked like two hearts. The heart above was bigger than the other one below it. The images suddenly flashed out of her mind so fast, it resembled an arrow just being shot from its bow.

Denella didn't know what to think, for the mark on the little girl's knee resembled the one she had on her own knee.

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