"Some are kissing mothers and some are scolding mothers, but it is love just the same, and most mothers kiss and scold together.

-Pearl S. Buck

T.E.R.S.E. Headquarters, Belle City, 11:21a.m

Raphael called Denella for like the hundredth time, and still, she wasn't picking up. Where could she have gone? He also tried phoning Henry, but couldn't get a hold of him either. Finally, he dialed Denella's number for the last time, and when he couldn't reach her, he gave up. He didn't know what to do. Maybe he could try going to her house. There was a chance of her being there.

"Where are you going?" Terrance questioned as he blocked his way.

"I need to go somewhere. I have to go meet up with someone." Raphael responded, trying not to give away any names.

Terrance said nothing for a moment. Then, he said, "And may I ask who this person your meeting is?"

Raphael had never seen this side of Terrance, so curious and nosey. He always trusted Raphael and would let him do almost anything. "It's just . . . a friend. I also was going to go to Henry's house to see if he's okay. He's not anywhere here and I tried calling him, but couldn't get him."

"That's sweet . . . but when we found you and rescued you from Elmer's supermarket, we also found Henry. Listen, Raphael, I'm sorry, but Henry's gone."


Raphael felt like a big wave had crushed him. It was his fault Henry was gone. He was the one who demanded Henry to go look for the bomb in the first place. He couldn't believe it. He refused to believe what Terrance had. He was going to find Henry, or at least Henry's body.

Belle City General Hospital, Belle City, 12:00p.m

Denella was finally allowed to go home. She felt like a bird that was freed out of their cage for the first time. She needed to find out if Brandon and Henry was okay. She also needed to find Raphael. She walked to the bus stop and waited with the rest of the people that were there for the bus to come.

The sun was staring down at everyone there. She could feel the heat licking at her skin. Once the bus had come, she hopped on. It took forever to get to the stop that was closest to her house with all of the stops the bus had to take.

Denella stared out the window watching all of the people go by. They had not a care in the world. After all, they had no idea of what was really going on. If they did, they would all just live in fear.

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