Denella felt bad, but tried not to show it. She knew how people felt about others taking pity on them. "Yeah, I heard it's pretty bad."

"Why are you here? Are you visiting someone?" The girl interrogated in a raspy voice.

"No, I'm not here to visit anyone."

"Then, why are you here? You look fine to me."

"I had a concussion." Denella stated, although she was more curious to find out about the girl.

"Oh," she started, but didn't finish her sentence. Instead, she surveyed the halls as if she were trying to find a subject to talk about so she could kill the boredom for a minute or two. "Wait, I know you." Denella looked confused. "You're that girl from the news that everybody's talking about. You're an agent, aren't you?" she questioned.

"What? You know about that? Please, don't tell anyone about this." Denella begged.

"Fine, but on one condition, you tell me your name."

Denella smiled as a relieved look came upon her face, "I'm Denella."

"That's a pretty name. I'm Sophie Maxwell. I was born with this medical problem so now I'm stuck with this big machine hooked up to me to help me breathe. The way I put it is that this is practically my life. Something happens to it, I die."


"I'm sorry."

"Don't be, it's not your fault. It's not anyone's fault . . ."

"Well, I'll see you around, hopefully." Denella said as she continued to wander around. Why did bad things happen to good people? Sophie seemed like such a sweet and gentle girl. Denella only wished the fact that life wasn't fair wouldn't be true, but she knew that, sadly, it was.

T.E.R.S.E Headquarters, Belle City, 9:43a.m

Raphael opened the door of the resting room and dizzily began to walk out. His mind tried to process what had happened. His head was throbbing and it felt as if someone had either drilled into his brain with a screwdriver or was hammering a nail into his head. The room was spinning and he felt so lightheaded.

"Oh my word! Sleeping Beauty has finally awoken." Terrance mocked. "You could of died! It's been quite a while now since you've been out. You woke up hours ago and kept asking for someone named Denella. After that, you passed out again."

Raphael put his hand on his head and brushed back his hair. He needed to find Denella.

Belle City General Hospital, Belle City, 10:06a.m

Denella wandered around the halls of the hospital searching for Brandon. What if he wasn't there? What if his body was still at Elmer's Supermarket, lying there in the ashes of other bodies and covered in burnt pieces of the store? Or even worst, what if he was ashes? These thoughts made her mind crumble into tiny, little pieces as if it had just exploded. Right now, her only thoughts were about Brandon and he was also her biggest fear.

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