* * *

"Madeline!" Kelly called out over the speakerphone. "There's

someone on line two for you; a guy who says he met you at the chamber

of commerce business card exchange the other day? Says his name is

Mark Donnelly."

"Mark Donnelly? Funny, I don't remember meeting anyone by that

name," Maddy ruminated to the temp agency's sweet receptionist. Kelly

had been the only saving grace in a trying and oftentimes hostile work

environment; her compassion and willingness to lend an ear had been a

Godsend. "Did he say anything else, Kel?"


"No, not really. Do you want me to take a message?"

"Nah, put him through. Now I'm curious!" she laughed. Maddy

cleared her throat, hoping the call might lead to a lucrative new account

and thus, a healthy commission check at the end of the month.

"Hello, this is Madeline Rose. How may I help you?" she greeted the

mystery caller, whose face and name she valiantly attempted to reconcile.

In spite of her best efforts she still fell short at times when it came to

remembering such details. And the luncheon the other day had been so

crowded it would've taken superhuman powers to recall every handshake

and interaction with the community's movers and shakers.

"Madeline, hi, this is Mark Donnelly from Pinnacle Insurance. We

met the other day at the Delray Chamber event at Lake Ida Inn?"

"Um, yes how are you Mark?" She tried to exude a professional

familiarity though his deep, baritone voice wasn't even vaguely familiar.

"I'm doing just fine, how are you?"

"I'm well, thanks. What can I do for you?"

"Well first I wanted to compliment you on your follow-up skills with

the handwritten thank you card. I should be so diligent about those

things!" He laughed out loud in an appealing way that immediately put her

at ease.

"Thanks for the compliment, then!"

"You're welcome. We don't really use temps here, sorry to say, but

should something come up I'll definitely keep you in mind. Just don't tell


He was referring to a good friend of his-an attractive, ambitious

woman of 60 who owned an employment agency in his building. Maddy

remembered her well from the other day, having been immediately struck

by the woman's perfectly coiffed hair, impeccable suit and beautiful


During their brief conversation Isabella had even offered Maddy a

job, an invitation she was seriously considering. God knew Charlie

Dowling was never going to change his repulsive behavior. The only

reason Maddy was sticking it out was to salvage her résumé; she was

hoping to last at least a year at this new employer before moving on. Still,

with every passing day she was inching closer to arranging a one-on-one

meeting with Isabella to discuss her options further.

"Ok, I won't!" she assured him with a chuckle.

"Madeline, do you mind my asking if you have a boyfriend?"

"Uh-wow!" she exclaimed, "I must say I wasn't expecting that

question, but since you asked, the answer is no. I've only been in South

Florida about six months and I am still getting to know my way around."

Her tone was light, although she was quite taken aback. Apparently she'd

made some kind of positive impression on him, her selective amnesia


"Well, do you know about SunFest?" he pressed on.

"Uh, no what is that?"

"It's this fabulous art and music festival they have every year in West

Palm Beach. There are live bands, delicious food and all kinds of fun

things. It's a really great time!"

"Sounds like it," she agreed.

"Would you like to go with me tomorrow? I know it's short notice,

but if you don't already have plans, I'd love to take you. Where do you


"In Boca Del Mar. My apartment is off of Military Trail, just north of

Southwest 18th Street."

"Oh, ok I know that area. I actually have a licensing class tomorrow

in West Palm, but I can come back and get you. My sister and brothers

are all going. It'll be a lot of fun!"

"Gee Mark, I'd really love to but I have to check with the dance

studio first. See, I teach ballroom dancing part-time at Fred Astaire in

Royal Palm Plaza, and I'm in a professional showcase in a few weeks.

Since most of us work other jobs, Saturday is our rehearsal day. But you

know, I can ask them for the time off this evening since we have a

practice. I'm sure it won't be a problem, but can I get back to you?"

"Wow, a woman of many talents," he noted with pleasant surprise.

"Actually I was hoping you could meet me for a drink later but I guess

that's out of the question."

"Maybe I can. My rehearsal isn't until 7:30."

"Oh!" He brightened at the thought of seeing this cute girl again.

"Well can we get together say around 5:30?"

"Yes, that sounds good. I'm wrapping up soon for the day anyway.

How about Mizner Park? It's one of the few places I know how to get

to," she laughed.

"Mizner it is, then. Do you know where Baci is?"

"Sure do."

"Let's meet there by the bar at 5:30. We can sit and talk for a bit in a

nice atmosphere. I have to be at my brother's place around 7:30 anyway,

so this works out perfectly."

"Ok then Mark, see you at Baci!"

"Looking forward to it!"

"Same here. Take care!"

As Maddy hung up the phone it occurred to her that she might have

serious difficulty locating a man whose appearance she had no

recollection of in a crowded, Happy Hour environment. He'd been so

nice on the phone she hadn't had the heart to ask for a self-description.

With any luck, he'd arrive first and spot her in the crowd. Glancing at the

clock, she realized she'd have plenty of time to stop home and freshen up

before her mystery date-her first "official" one as a new Floridian.

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