* * *

Maddy tiptoed across the pink and white shag carpet, mindful of her

sleeping sister. It was close to 11 p.m. on Sunday night, and though she'd

originally planned to leave the Shore much sooner, the nasty

thunderstorms had prevented it. Dr. Rose had driven back with her,

wisely choosing to leave the plane in its hangar at the Ocean City Airport,

rather than take a foolish and unnecessary risk. Against her better

judgment, she'd broached the subject of Ken's phone call with her father

during the two-hour ride just in case he might actually be serious about

flying to Philly for Greg's wedding. To her surprise, Dr. Rose actually


expressed sympathy.

"You know, Maddy I think Kenny is a basically a nice kid. He was

probably a little insecure about the whole degree issue, being around all of

us. It's nice to hear we inspired him to finish his education; he's a bright

guy and I'm sure he'll do very well."

"I'm sure he will, too. But Dad, I knew he was smart from the

moment I met him; it never mattered to me if he had a formal education

or not. And I am happy for him that he's going for it; I really am. I guess I

just wish he would've picked a school in the area, so we could still see

each other. It might've even been fun helping him study. And of course, it

would've been nice if he'd had the courtesy to call me months ago, instead

of disappearing! It still hurts how he stood me up for our ski date that


"Well that was lousy," Dr. Rose agreed. "He definitely didn't handle

that situation very well at all. You know, he really surprised me? I never

thought he was the type who would do something like that-just not

bother to show up or call. I lost some respect for him that day, for sure."

"I just wish I knew what to do now, Dad," Maddy sighed. "Why now?

Why did he have to call me now and get my hopes up?"

"Well, maybe you should call him back and demand some answers,"

her father suggested pragmatically. "And if he's still acting like a jerk,

dump him and move on."

And that's when Madeline decided to make the call the moment she

got home, the late hour notwithstanding.

* * *

"Hello?" The deep, gravelly voice was thick with sleep.

"Kenny?" She responded tentatively, upset that she'd awakened him.

"Uh…yeah," he cleared his throat and rubbed his eyes as he spoke.

Turning to consult the digital alarm clock, he took note of the hour.

Though it was only half-past eleven it felt like 3 a.m.

"Oh God, you were sleeping," she sighed, "You know, we can talk

another time. Sorry I woke you up!"

"No-no Maddy, don't go!" Ken flipped on the light as he propped

himself up in bed. He'd just put in an arduous, labor-intensive day in the

hot, tropical sun, planting palm trees and laying down sod for a friend's

commercial landscaping business. While not a long-term career move, the

work provided the income stream required to finance real estate school

and undergraduate courses at Florida International University.

"How are you, sweetheart? Thank you for the card and pictures; I got

them the other day. You look great!"

"Thanks. Look, the reason I'm calling is you never got back to me

about being my date for Greg's wedding. And if you are serious about

coming I need to know so I can book you a room at the Pocono Inn. Plus

figure out picking you up at the airport, driving up to Stroudsburg-"

"Oh, Maddy I'm so sorry; I can't make it. I really thought I was gonna

be able to. Thoughts of upcoming cram sessions, school and state exams,

work and other commitments flooded his mind. He berated himself

silently for ever mentioning it, especially now that he and Erin had


"Oh," she replied dejectedly.

"I'm sorry, Madeline," he mumbled.

"Yeah, I'm sorry too. Sorry I ever fell for your nonsense!"

"Maddy, please-"

"You know what, Kenny? Do me a huge favor and lose my phone


With that, she slammed down the receiver and, resting her head in her

heads, sobbed uncontrollably in the solitude of her father's office.

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