* * *

"I'm sorry, Maddy, but I don't get a good feeling about any of this!"

Daphne exclaimed over the telephone. Since an afternoon thunderstorm

had put an abrupt end to their father-daughter beach time, Maddy snuck

into her parents' bedroom to call one of her favorite cousins. Dad was

safely out of earshot downstairs, completely engrossed in the Phillies

game, as evidenced by his loud, spirited reactions to strike-outs, homeruns

and other typical baseball occurrences.

With Mom and Louis still in Nashville, and her other siblings caught

up in their own activities, it was a great opportunity to seek out an


objective opinion on Kenny's recent phone call. More than two weeks

had passed since his promise to get back to her with a firm answer about

Greg's wedding. And with a little over a month to go before the upstate

Pennsylvania nuptials, the clock was definitely ticking on hotel

reservations. If Ken was indeed serious about being her date, she needed

to know-and not just for lodging considerations but for a whole host of

important reasons, beginning with her parents. It was gonna take a helluva

lot of effort on her part to smooth the way for that reunion, after the

events of this past winter.

A beloved relative, Daphne had often filled the role of conscientious

bystander and confidence-keeper for Madeline once she'd made it into

adulthood. It was a role expertly shared by Aunt Maria, who would've also

provided a sympathetic ear; however, since her mother's sister tended

toward overprotection, Maddy concluded that her childless cousin would

be the better choice in this particular case. While she trusted Aunt Maria,

she just couldn't run the risk of her betraying her secret to Monica, all in

the name of mutual motherly concern.

"You don't think he's sincere, Daph?"

"Honey, think about it. The guy stood you up for your ski date

without even so much as calling. For the next several months, he ignored

all of your phone calls. You had no idea what happened, if he'd been in an

accident, if he'd found someone else-nothing! And then one day calls

you out of the blue to announce he's moved to Florida and he wants to

fly up here to be your date? And your supposed to go, 'Sure, Ken! No

problem; take me to my brother's wedding!' How can you even trust this

guy? What if he tells you he's coming and then pulls another disappearing

act? I just don't want you to get hurt, Maddy."

"Yeah, I guess you have a point," she softly agreed. "Daph, I just

don't get it though. I mean, I would have absolutely no idea where he was

right now, if he hadn't called me. Why would he bother unless he still has

feelings for me? I never did meet his parents or his brothers so it's not as

if I had some direct link to him or anything. So why contact me now?

What could he possibly hope to gain?"

"I don't know," Daphne replied earnestly, shaking her blonde head as

she gazed out at her back yard through the bay window in the kitchen.

Like Maddy's Mom and Aunt Maria, Daphne longed for her younger

cousin to find happiness with the right guy. And throughout Ken and

Madeline's courtship, she'd listened excitedly to Madeline's tales of blissful

walks on the boardwalk, dances on Ken's outdoor patio and countless

moments of joyful discovery of yet another shared passion or personality


"I don't know, Daphne, there's a part of me that wants to believe so

much in his sincerity," Maddy sighed. "I mean, I keep thinking back to

last summer and all of the fun we had. It was so easy with him; I never

once felt inferior or unattractive, like I do with other guys. Ken always

made me feel special-as if I were the most beautiful girl on the planet.

And I know if he came to Greg's wedding we'd have a fantastic time. He

loves to dance, he's got a great sense of humor and he blends in with the


"Madeline, all of that may be true, but honey, come on! Let's be

realistic here; he hurt you badly. And I don't care what his reasons were;

he had no business treating you like that. I know I've lost all respect for

him; he's gonna have to go a very long way to prove himself to me again!"

"Well, I do appreciate your honesty," Maddy admitted. "And I know

you only have my best interests at heart. It's just-I don't know a part of

me feels like I should call him, just to give him one more chance."

"Madeline, that's entirely up to you, sweetie. If you feel that's the

right thing to do, then I can't stop you. And maybe he was testing you,

too; who knows? But the wedding's around the corner; if he's coming, he

needs to decide soon."

"Yeah, I know. Although the way Greg and Vanessa have been

fighting, you'd think they were getting divorced, instead of getting married.

And of course, Mom and Louis are having problems in Nashville with

Damian and Laura, you know, the usual stuff. Just when it seems like

things have been resolved, something else happens. I can't even catch a

break at work 'cause now Arlene and Betty are constantly at each other's

throats, screaming and yelling in the office-geez, why can't life be more

like Disneyworld? I'm tired of all this conflict!" Daphne laughed


"Ho-ho! Get used to it sweetheart, cause there's lots more where that

came from! You're only 26; I suggest you prepare yourself!" Then

becoming serious, she added, "That's why you just have to pray to God

for the answers. You have to keep the faith and do your best. That's all

any of us can do."

"Yeah, I guess you're right, Daph," Maddy replied. "I am so thankful

to have a solid religious foundation. I think that's what's keeping me

going right now."

"Well you just hang onto that honey. And if you need to talk, you

know I am always here for you."

"Thanks, Daph. I really appreciate it!"

"I love you, Madeline."

"I love you, too."

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