* * *

"You are so beautiful, sweetheart," Ken said softly from across the

rounded, white linen table for two. A glowing votive sat in the middle,

surrounded by a ring of ivy. Even in the subdued light, he saw her blush.

"Hey, you have to learn to deal with compliments, Madeline Rose. 'Cause

there's plenty more where that came from."

"I'm just not used to being treated so special," she replied softly, only

too aware of the truthfulness of that statement.

"Well, as long as you're my girl, that's how it's gonna be," he stated

plainly. "Which reminds me, I have something for you." He reached into


his pocket and produced a small, gift-wrapped box. Maddy's heart

thumped in her chest as she accepted it from his hands.

"Um, it's just something I saw that reminded me of the two of us," he

explained. "You'll see when you open it."

She tore away the paper and lifted the lid to reveal a gold, diamondcut

pendant in the shape of the Pisces symbol, attached to a braided gold

chain. As she stared at the two fish, Maddy was overcome with guilt for

ever entertaining the notion of breaking up with him. If he'd only known

what had transpired at her house just moments before his arrival, no

doubt he'd be completely devastated. How could she have thought so easily

about letting him go? It must've been a fleeting moment of insanity.

"Do you like it honey?" His face was beaming as he noted her


"Oh Ken, it's absolutely gorgeous! I love it!"

"Here, let me put it on you," he said, moving around behind her.

Maddy lifted her hair as he closed the lobster clasp around her neck; the

necklace glittered exquisitely against her porcelain skin, a striking contrast

to the deep purple fabric of her blouse.

"Perfect!" he declared as he sat back down in his chair.

"Thank you so much, Kenny. That was so sweet."

"You're more than welcome, baby. Oh-by the way, I bought myself

one, too, although mine is actually on a nice pen. I'm not much of a

jewelry kind of guy, but I wanted us both to have the same one as a

reminder of our shared zodiac sign and birthday."

"You're too much, you know that," she remarked softly, overcome

with emotion. I had no idea that a man like you even existed."

"Well, I'm here sweetheart, and I'm not going anywhere. I love you."

He squeezed her hand as he spoke. But before she could reply, he added,

"And don't worry, Madeline Rose, I know you love me too, even if you

can't say it yet. Someday when you're ready, those words will be music to

my ears."

Maddy intertwined her fingers with his, silently praying for God to

give her the wisdom and guidance to do the right thing by everybody.

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