Madeline couldn't catch her breath as she gazed into his eyes; from beneath her palm, she could feel the intense beating of his heart.

There'd been a time not so long ago when she would have given anything

to hear Jake utter these same incredible words. Now here she was,

struggling for air.

She remembered once, when she and Jake had attended Mass in that

lovely church in Exton, remarking about the beautiful family that had

been seated in front of them-an attractive mother and father probably in

their mid-thirties, with six adorable children. It had been obvious from

their Sunday best attire and joyful exuberance how deeply loved and cared

for these children were; their parents had also displayed a genuine


affection for each other though simple mannerisms and gestures, such as

a touch on the elbow or a knowing glance and smile. Maddy had been

palpably moved by the entire scene.

"Wow Jake, look at them!" she'd whispered. "Isn't that just the

sweetest thing you've ever seen?"

"Yeah, that poor fool," Jake had retorted sarcastically in reference to

the family's father. "He'll be working the rest of his life to feed and clothe

all of those hungry mouths! Better him, than me!"

Maddy recalled the crushing disappointment she'd experienced at his

reaction, which marked the beginning of the end of their rocky

relationship. The mere thought of love had never once echoed through

the tortured chambers of Jake's heart, let alone escape from his lips. And

yes, she and this new man shared an undeniable connection and an

irresistible chemistry, but love? Love? Hadn't this only been their third

date? How could he be so sure, so soon?

Her lack of response had no deleterious effect on Kenny's enthusiasm

or faith.

"Don't worry Madeline Rose, you don't have to say a word right

now," he whispered, gently placing his fingers on her delicate mouth. "I

know you love me, and someday, you'll know it to."

"But Ken, how can you be so confident you love me? You don't even

know me!" Her words were soft, but firm.

"See, there's where you're wrong, sweetheart," he countered

soothingly, before leaning in to taste her intoxicating kiss once more.

Maddy responded with an even greater ferocity as their passion quickly

mounted. His tongue was soft and playful as he sought out hers; his hands

roamed through her satiny hair, caressed her shoulders and traveled down

to her waist.

Temporarily lost in a passionate haze, Maddy undid a few buttons on

Ken's shirt to allow easier access to his broad, rippled chest. She couldn't

get enough of his warmth, his unabashed masculinity as those new and

overwhelming sensations rushed through her body. Ken broke away and

sat up long enough to free himself completely from the garment. Maddy

looked at him with a mixture of awe and fear, fully cognizant of the

dangerous line she was walking between adamant words and instigating


"It's ok, baby, we won't go any farther than this," he promised in a

husky whisper as he settled carefully back down on top of her. "God,

you're so beautiful," he said again, stroking her face, before they melted

into another spellbinding interlude. Her tiny hands were unbelievably

strong as they massaged his back in circular motions, occasionally

allowing her slender fingers to weave their way through his curly blond


"You drive me crazy, sweetheart," he sighed. He slowly pulled her

halter top out from the waistband of her shorts and slipped his hand

beneath the knit material. He marveled at the smoothness of her skin as

he moved closer to her breast.

Suddenly Maddy found herself on the living room couch in Jake's

parents' home. They'd just returned from Lily Langtry's, her favorite

dinner theater, where they'd enjoyed an amazing rock 'n roll review and a

fabulous dinner. It was a biting cold night in February, the sort of weather

that was much more conducive to snuggling in front of a fireplace than

getting dressed up for a night on the town. But they'd had a wonderful

date, and as they caught sight of the cozy fire his sleeping Mom and Dad

had left for them, the only thing on their minds was romance. Their

nascent relationship had been moving along swimmingly at that point, the

result of a set-up from family friends.

Madeline had worn an ultra-feminine dress featuring a black velvet

bodice that laced up the front and a floaty, detachable skirt that swirled as

she moved. With her long hair pulled back at the crown with a black bow,

she epitomized the heartbreaking femininity of a Madame Alexander doll.

Jake had noticed, though his somewhat tepid "You look nice,"

compliment hadn't exactly inspired the dialogue of epic love stories.

Nevertheless, Maddy found herself swept away as they began to enjoy

each other's company in the soft glow of firelight. And as their fervor

gradually amplified to a dizzying crescendo, she barely noticed when he

began to untie the ribbons of her dress; before she knew it, she felt her

black lace bra slip away from her shoulders. And then came the rush of

icy cold water.

"Wow, you weren't kidding! You really are small!" he remarked

without a hint of sensitivity as he laid his eyes on her bare chest.

A devastated Maddy quickly put herself back together before

demanding a ride home; although he'd apologized profusely during the

20-minute trip back to Media, she'd been too hurt to even kiss him

goodbye as she raced out of his car and into the comfort of her own bed.

For most women, it would have been enough to end the relationship

immediately; unfortunately, Maddy possessed just a little too much

willingness to forgive and not quite enough love for self at the deepest

core of her being.

"Kenny, no!" she cried out in a piercing voice as she handily pushed

him away from her. She quickly tucked her top back into her waistband as

she sat up in bed.

"Maddy, Maddy, I am so sorry, baby!" His voice was genuinely

apologetic. "I just got caught up in the moment and I guess I couldn't

help myself. I didn't mean to scare or disrespect you, sweetheart, I swear,"

he pleaded, placing an arm around her shoulder and leaning his forehead

gently against hers. "My God, the last thing I want to do is blow it with a

girl like you."

Maddy covered her face with her hands, more embarrassed by her

overreaction than outraged by Ken's completely understandable attempt,

considering they were all alone in his bedroom. She remained quiet while

she tried to gather her composure, wanting so much to find the words to

comfort him, to clarify for him the root cause of her discomfort. But it

was as if the synchronicity between her thoughts and the physical

mechanisms necessary to express them had completely failed her. All she

could do was sit there in silence.

But when Ken finally pulled her into a hug, she didn't resist. Instead,

she buried her head in his chest and muffled an emotional apology.

"Nothing to apologize for, sweetheart," he comforted her. "It's ok.

Everything's ok." His voice was a barely audible whisper as they held each

other in the translucent beam of moonshine streaming from the window

above them.

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